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Loss of Limb From An Auto Accident

Car accidents happen, and often, they result in serious injuries. One of the more life-altering serious injuries includes the loss of limb. A loss of limb might lead to permanent or long-term disability, mental anguish, and hundreds of thousands of dollars of medical bills. It will also lead to the need for a prosthetic device and physical and occupational therapy. If another driver was negligent and that caused your auto accident that resulted in the loss of a limb, you should consult with a personal injury attorney about pursuing a personal injury claim against the other driver.

Loss of Limb Caused By A Car Accident

The loss of a limb is a traumatic experience and can lead to other problems. The blood loss can damage your heart or other organs. You might require an extended hospital stay, in-patient rehabilitation, and multiple surgeries. Here are just a few of the damages that might result:

  • Mental anguish
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Permanent scarring and disfigurement
  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Past and future lost wages
  • Pain and suffering

While the expenses that you have already incurred are obvious, determining your long-term costs can be a challenge that a personal injury lawyer will need to tackle. How long will you be unable to work? Will you have to enter a new line of work? How much more will your medical costs be? Those are just a few of the questions that need to be answered when determining the value of your personal injury claim for a car crash with limb loss.


Accidents That Cause Loss of Limb

While there are various ways cars can crash, a severe crash would cause a loss of limb. As an example, a car driven by an intoxicated driver side-swiped you and caused you to lose control and overturn. Your arm was thrown out the window as the car rolled over.

Another scenario would be if you were T-boned by a driver who ran a red light and crashed into the driver’s side of the vehicle. Your arm was crushed between the door and the seat of the vehicle. It had to be amputated by a surgeon.

Maintaining Documentation To Support Your Claim

You will need to show proof of damages, such as medical bills, proof of lost wages, photos of the injuries and damages, a copy of the accident report, surgical notes, copies of physician notes, and any other supporting documentation.

Consult With A Personal Injury Attorney

If an accident caused by another driver led to a loss of a limb, you should consult with a personal injury attorney who is licensed in your state. With the help of a personal injury lawyer, the odds of a successful personal injury claim increase significantly. There are no upfront costs or out-of-pocket expense because personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis, so your lawyer will not be paid until you are compensated for your losses. Complete the Free Case Evaluation Form on this page today.