Blog posts

What To Do When In A Car Accident?

Submitted by rsg on

Millions of car crashes occur across the country every year. If you have been involved in a crash, you need to know what to do to protect your rights and preserve evidence. If you have been in a car accident, you have suffered damages. You can pursue a personal injury claim against the responsible party to recover compensation for your damages. Here are a few tips regarding what to do when in a car accident:

Tips on Staying Visible While Running

Submitted by Deanna on

Running is one of the healthiest forms of exercise. According to the American College of Cardiology, running for just 10 minutes every day can extend your life by several years. While it’s often more peaceful to run on a designated jogging trail or park, it’s common for most of us to run where motorists travel. Here are some top tips & techniques you should keep in mind on your next run to ensure others on the road see you.

What Evidence Should You Save For Your Personal Injury Case?

Submitted by Bryan on

In cases of auto accidents, getting relief from personal injury and liability insurance claims will compensate the damages. However, none of this will proceed without the all important evidence that will show that your accident left you with damages, be they physical, financial psychological, or all three.

This is why it is crucial to collect as much evidence as possible from the time the accident occurred.

However, when you are severely injured and unable to move, it is best to get the assistance of other people to do the documenting for you.

How Do I Prove I'm Not at Fault for an Auto Accident?

Submitted by Patrick on

Have you heard of an auto accident where no one is at fault? Well there are such cases, particularly if the police report indicates that fault cannot be determined or that there are no other parties involved to cause the accident, such as a deer suddenly jumping on the road. However, in most vehicular crashes, somebody was negligent and is therefore at fault.

Can I File a Claim if I'm Injured in an Uber?*

Submitted by Deanna on

A personal injury claim enables someone who has been injured in an accident to recover some or even all losses or damages from a liable party. The claim is filed against the individual who is considered to be liable or at fault for the accident.

You might be wondering if you still have the right to file a personal injury claim if you are injured in an accident involving an Uber driver. The answer? Potentially. Here's a little more information on filing a personal injury claim against an Uber: