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What Should I Do If I Was Hit By a Dump Truck?

If you have been hit by a dump truck, odds are you have multiple damages and serious injuries. Dump trucks are large, heavy vehicles that can lead to major damages and life-altering accidents.

You can pursue a personal injury claim against the liable party to recoup compensation for your damages after having been hit by a dump truck. Filing an accident injury claim and dealing with the insurance carrier can be tricky, so you should enlist the help of a knowledgeable accident injury attorney to assist you with your claim.

The Process After Being Hit By a Dump Truck

If you have been hit by a dump truck, you should follow the same protocol that you would with any other auto accident. First, you will need to see if anyone is injured. For serious injuries, call an ambulance. Always call the police because an accident report must be completed. Law enforcement will also investigate the crash to determine fault. You will need a copy of this report for your personal injury claim.

Seek medical care right away as postponing treatment can have a negative affect on your personal injury claim. Maintain a file of medical bills and medical records. Document missed work and lost wages. Take photos of the accident scene if possible and get photos of the damages to the vehicles. Make sure you get contact details for eyewitnesses and make sure they give statements for the accident report.

What Kinds of Damages Might Result After Being Hit By a Dump Truck?

As previously mentioned, dump trucks are large vehicles. If they are loaded, they are even more dangerous. You can suffer a variety of economic and non-economic damages if you have been hit by a dump truck. Those damages might include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Permanent scarring
  • Loss of consortium
  • Property damages
  • Disabilities
  • More

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A personal injury attorney will help you evaluate your situation and determine all the damages that you suffered because of this crash. You will need to make sure all damages are considered in your initial personal injury claim because you cannot go back and file another personal injury claim.

There is a statute of limitations for pursuing personal injury claims in every state. If you don’t meet the deadline, you will not be able to get compensation for your damages.

What Should I Do If I Was Hit By a Dump Truck?

Consult With a Personal Injury Lawyer After Having Been Hit By A Dump Truck

If you have been hit by a dump truck, you should consult with a personal injury attorney in your state as soon as possible. Personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis, so they are not paid until you get compensated for your losses.

Schedule your free case evaluation today by completing the Free Case Evaluation Form on this page. An attorney will talk with you, review the facts surrounding your crash with a dump truck, and then come up with the best way to proceed with a claim.

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