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Help! I Got Hurt at Avalanche Bay! What are my Options? *

Personal Injury at an Indoor Waterpark

Serious injuries when you least expect them can have damaging financial consequences. When you and your family go on vacation, you don’t anticipate the possibility of having an accident. You are focused on having fun.

However, accidents can happen when you least expect them. When you were not responsible for your own injuries, it can be distressing to find out you have to pay for medical bills that have to be paid because someone else was negligent.

You may be entitled to claim compensation from whoever was at fault.

Talk to an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as you are able to do so.

Like all large amusement parks, serious accidents are rare, but do happen from time to time. While some accidents happen because visitors fail to use common sense, negligence on the part of staff working at an amusement park can lead to serious accidents happening, too.

Possible Accidents

Aaccidents can happen anywhere, even water themed amusement parks. Visitors choose one or more activities in which they experience thrills and spills in and around water. The most common accidents at any amusement park are slip and fall accidents.

Wherever there is water lying around on the ground, slipping over is always a possibility. It is important in any amusement park where activities are open to the public, especially small children, that park operators, managers and staff are absolutely vigilant and ensure the visiting public’s safety at all times.

Your case may be stronger if you slip and fall in an area where no warning or safety signs are visible.

Filing a Lawsuit After an Accident at a Waterpark

If you do experience an accident at a waterpark or other amusement center, you may be entitled to file a lawsuit. You must have confidence that the fault lies with the park staff or you think that there was a fault in the design in one of the park’s attractions or facilities.

If you, or a member of your family, have been injured badly, you will need the help of a competent lawyer to provide legal advice and pursue a fair settlement on your behalf.


The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Avalanche Bay Indoor Waterpark, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.