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Personal Injury at Busch Gardens Amusement Park*

Have you been injured in an accident which was not your fault? Filing a personal injury claim may be a good option if you can prove who or what was responsible. You should not have to suffer because of someone else’s negligence, but claiming compensation can be difficult to do by yourself.

In most cases, you are much more likely to be successful if you use a personal injury attorney to help you prepare your case. A successful claim can help to pay for unplanned medical expenses and loss of wages because you could not go back to work after the accident that caused your injuries.

Both parks have typical amusement park attractions including roller coasters as well as attractions which are unique to each park like the collections of African animals in Tampa. There have been a number of changes in ownership since the original Anheuser-Busch entertainment facilities were set up in the early nineteenth century.

Accidents at an Amusement Park

Millions of visitors go to either of the Bush Gardens parks every year. Very few of them have an accident, but in any busy amusement park, an accident is always a possibility. Slip and fall accidents are the most likely type of accidents in an amusement park. Occasionally, defects in the most used attractions such as the themed roller coasters result in accidents which may have been prevented if maintenance had been carried out as planned.

If you have an accident while at an amusement park and you think that it should not have happened, you may be able to claim compensation from an employee at the park or the company that runs it if you have sufficient proof of negligence.

Claiming Compensation is Easier With the Help of an Attorney

If you are considering claiming compensation because of an accident at an amusement park, you may find it difficult trying to negotiate a fair settlement by yourself. This sort of legal action comes under premises liability law and the details can be difficult for anyone who does not have a legal background to understand.

Big amusement parks have well trained lawyers and are not usually ready to admit liability for accidents unless the evidence is clear cut. If you are injured and are worried about the financial implications this could have on you and your family, you should contact an experienced personal injury attorney who has dealt with amusement park accident claims before.


The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Busch Gardens, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.