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Personal Injury at Sea World*

Like many millions of others you may have been a visitor to Sea World or one of many other amusement or theme parks across the U.S. These are safe and relaxed places where families go for entertainment. It can be a shock to be involved in an accident in a theme park, but this is always a possibility in any public place when you venture outside the safety of your own home.

Unexpected injuries can prove to be a serious financial burden. If you or someone else in your family is injured in a theme park while on a visit and you are certain the accident was the result of poor maintenance or a mistake on the part of an employee, you may be entitled to compensation. The best advice is to talk to a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible after the accident to see what can be done to help you through what could be a difficult period in your life.

Zoos and parks remain a well run classic family entertainment facility that has a good safety record. However, like any public place, accidents can and do happen and are not necessarily the fault of those visitors who are involved in an accident.

Injuries at a Theme Park

The most common accidents at a theme park or amusement park are slip and fall, or trip and fall type accidents. Broken bones, strains and sprains, dislocations, spine and head injuries are the most likely injuries when a visitor slips and falls over on uneven or slippery ground surfaces. The park managers are expected to ensure that facilities available to the public are safe to use. At the same time, visitors do have to exercise a degree of common sense and obey instructions.

One of the most difficult aspects of a personal injury claim following an accident is proving that the injured person was not to blame. This is especially the case in slip and fall type accidents as property owners are reluctant to admit that they are at fault. Theme park accidents are likely to be witnessed by many other people, so if you are involved in an accident, you should try and get contact details from anyone willing to act as a witness who saw what happened.

Negotiating a Compensation Claim by Yourself Can be Difficult

If you are involved in a serious accident at a theme park, you are strongly advised to get advice and legal assistance from an experienced personal injury attorney. It is most likely that an attorney will have dealt with the sort of accidents you have experienced before and will have developed a successful strategy when dealing with the park’s administration and its insurance company.

Most compensation claims are likely to be settled without going to court, but in the event that the party you are claiming against plays hard-ball, you will be glad you have professional legal help rather than going it alone.


The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Sea World, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.