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Finding a Personal Injury Attorney in Irving, Texas

If you have been injured in an accident that was not your fault in Irving, TX, you may be wondering if you can recover the personal cost to you of the injury by claiming compensation.

If you are sure that you have sufficient evidence that links an act of negligence by another party to your injury or injuries then this is definitely worth considering. Contact an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as your injuries allow you to do so.

Choosing a Personal Injury Attorney in Irving

When you get around to finding legal help in Irving you will certainly find no shortage of potential attorneys who can assist you with a personal injury claim.

There are over 400 attorneys in and around Irving with experience dealing with these sorts of claims. Make sure that you choose a locally based attorney with a state license.

Typical Injuries in Irving

The National Center for Health Statistics keeps a record* of the types of injuries that may be the reason for a personal injury claim. Top of the injury list is traffic accidents.

Typically, you are most likely to be hit in your own vehicle by another vehicle whose driver is failing to drive appropriately for the conditions. Truck accidents cause the worst injuries. The victims are almost always the occupants of the smaller vehicle.

Second most common injuries are caused by slip, trip and fall accidents. These can happen just about anywhere and are due to property owners not being careful enough about the safety of anyone else using the area legitimately.

Typical injuries are broken bones, strains and sprains, cuts and bruises. The worst injuries are caused when an awkward fall causes damage to the head or spine.

An example of a slip and fall injury is a hip dislocation caused by slipping over on an icy entrance to a shopping mall. The ice should be kept cleared if the mall is open to the public, so whoever is responsible for keeping the entrance safe may be sued for damages.

Finding a Personal Injury Attorney in Irving, Texas

The Personal Injury Claim Process in Texas

Texas liability law allows a private individual to file for damages against any person or body that has caused injuries through an act of negligence. Workplace injuries are handled by workers’ compensation law if the employer has this sort of insurance.

Not all employers do have workers’ comp. insurance, which leaves the only option for compensation a personal injury claim.

The process for filing a claim against a private entity is different from suing a government entity. The latter is more complicated and must be initiated earlier.

The state’s statute of limitations for private lawsuits is two years from the date of the injury. If you intend making a claim against a government entity you have six months to file the ‘notice of claim’ which sets the ball rolling.

A personal injury claim can then be filed if the state or city body denies the notice of claim.

Personal injury claims are normally filed with the nearest civil court. Most Texas courts now require electronic filing of civil cases. This is something that can be checked with your attorney.

The Justice Court at 841 W Irving Blvd in Irving is open to the public for questions between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. every day except weekends and public holidays.

Use a Free Claim Evaluation to Find a Suitable Personal Injury Attorney

There are so many suitable personal injury attorneys available in Irving that it can be hard to know who to choose when considering making a personal injury claim.

You can use our free claim evaluation for which can be found below to help you make that sort of decision. Don’t forget that state law imposes a strict time limit on filing a claim, especially if it is against a government entity so it is worth getting started as early as possible.

Additional Resources

Source: *