Car crashes happen all the time. Even a slight fender bender might result in the need for expensive repairs. If your car’s paint job was damaged, you will want to have your car repainted.
That isn’t an inexpensive venture. If your car’s paint was damaged and if you suffered other damages because of another driver’s negligence, you should consult with a personal injury attorney about pursuing a personal injury claim against the other party to recoup your losses.
Damaged Car Paint Job in a Car Accident
Your car’s paint job is its overall appearance. It is also a protective coating for the metal underneath. If your car’s paint job gets damaged, you will have to go to a professional auto painting facility to have your car repainted. Of course, your kind of vehicle, the size of your vehicle, and the kind of paint all play a role in the cost.
The cost of a single-coat synthetic enamel paint job for a car lands anywhere between $300 and $900. If you want a mid-level job done that uses better quality paint and that requires extra prep work, such as removing dents and rust, it could cost between $1,000 and $3,500. A high-end paint job could cost as much as $7,500.
How to Prove You Weren’t at Fault for the Crash
There are four elements that indicate negligence. If all four elements are proven, then you can have a successful personal injury claim. Your personal injury lawyer will help you with this and build your case. Here are the four elements of negligence and how they may apply:
Duty – The other driver owes you a duty. In this case, that is to drive safely to protect you from harm.
Breach of Duty – That duty owed to you was breached by the driver failing to adhere to traffic laws. As an example, he failed to yield right-of-way and hit your vehicle.
Causation – You need to prove that breach of duty resulted in the accident. For example, if had yield right-of-way, you wouldn’t have collided.
Damages – You suffered losses. You should provide documentation to show your losses. For example, that includes receipts, estimates, and photos of the damages and injuries.
Consult With a Personal Injury Lawyer
If an auto accident left your car in need of a paint job, you should consult with a personal injury attorney who handles such claims in your state. With the help of a personal injury lawyer, your odds of a successful claim increase significantly.
Personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis, so you will not be out of anything upfront. Instead, your lawyer will be paid after you get compensated for your damages.
A strict statute of limitations applies, so don’t wait until it is too late to pursue your personal injury claim. If you have suffered damages to your vehicle in an auto accident, complete the Free Case Evaluation form on this page to have your claim details reviewed by a lawyer in your area.