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Rear-Ended While Cycling

As a cyclist, you are enjoying a fun, healthy and environmentally friendly way to get where you need to go. You also know that you need to ensure you do everything that you can to stand out and be visible, so drivers will see you.

Most also familiarize yourself with the local traffic laws, so you can ensure that you are adhering to the traffic procedures. Even the safest cyclist can be involved in a crash. Here are a few tips for what to do if you are rear-ended while cycling.

Ensuring Visibility

When you go cycling, deck yourself out in bright, noticeable colors, such as neon yellow, bright orange, hot pink, or lime green. These colors stand out in the landscaping and will help you get the attention of drivers.

Also, you should place yourself in a visible spot in the lane. If you ride up against the curb, the chances of a driver getting too close and hitting you increase significantly. If you are placed out in the center of the lane, then they will have to drive around you, and that can offer added protection.

However, accidents still happen sometimes. A driver might misjudge distance or get too close and rear-end your bike while you are cycling. This kind of an accident could lead to serious damages and life-altering injuries.

You must do everything you can to protect your rights and ensure your safety in such situations. Always stay on the scene and call the police so an accident report can be filed. You will want to make sure the crash is put on record.

If you are physically able to do so, get photos of the crash scene and of the damages. If your injuries are serious, call for an ambulance.

Rear-Ended While Cycling

What to Do After Being Rear-Ended

If you can, get statements from any witnesses and ask them to provide their names and contact details. Be sure to get insurance information from the driver.

You will need to establish medical care right away. Failure to establish medical care can result in your personal injury claim being denied. You will need to maintain thorough documentation to support your claim. Keep copies of all these records:

  • Medical bills
  • Proof of missed work and lost wages
  • Damage repair estimates
  • Prescription receipts
  • Medical records
  • Receipts for medical devices
  • Photos of injuries
  • Photos of damages
  • Witness statements
  • Accident report

Consult With a Personal Injury Lawyer

If you suffered injuries and damages because you were rear-ended by a vehicle while you were cycling, you should consult with a personal injury attorney who handles such claims in your state. By working with a lawyer you may have a much higher chance of you claim getting approved and being awarded compensation.

Your lawyer will not get paid until you are compensated for your losses through a judgment or a settlement. There is a statute of limitations, so time is limited for pursuing a personal injury claim. Complete the Free Case Evaluation Form today!

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