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Facial Injury From An Auto Accident

Facial injuries can be physically and emotionally devastating. If you have suffered facial injuries in a car crash, and the other driver was negligent or liable for the crash, you can pursue a personal injury claim to recoup compensation for your losses because of the crash.

You will need to prove that the other driver was at fault for the crash that ensued and prove what damages resulted. A personal injury attorney can help you with the accident injury claims process.

A Facial Injury Could Have Lasting Effects

A facial injury can be very painful and require extensive medical care and ongoing follow-up procedures and specialist visits. It can be emotionally devastating because of the permanent scarring and effect on the physical appearance.

That emotional trauma and mental anguish can affect your long-term abilities to work and function. Those injuries must also be considered.

You should maintain documentation to support your claim, such as photos of the injuries and property damage, a copy of the accident report, statements from witnesses, receipts for prescriptions, medical bills, medical records, proof of missed work and lost wages, repair estimates, and a journal where you indicate your limitations, the effect on your daily life, and how your injuries and emotional state have affected your ability to participate in hobbies and daily life.

Determining The Other Driver’s Liability For The Crash That Caused A Facial Injury

You must show that the other driver was at fault for your accident and damages. When you can prove negligence through a personal injury claim, you can have a successful claim and get compensated for your losses.

Facial Injury From An Auto Accident

A facial injury can be devastating, so you want to make sure you gather up all the supporting evidence and documentation necessary to make your claim successful.

As an example, if a driver was violating traffic laws and/or received a citation for the crash, that is beneficial to your claim and helps show liability and fault. You will want to show that the injuries sustained could have been avoided.

Your personal injury attorney will build your case and argue your losses. Always be prepared so you can have a successful personal injury claim for your facial injury from a car crash.

Consult With A Personal Injury Attorney

If you suffered a facial injury in a car accident causes by someone else’s negligence, consult with a personal injury attorney who practices in your area. Your lawyer will attempt to negotiate a settlement.

If you cannot get the claim settled, then he or she will represent you in court and argue your case before a judge.

Personal injury attorneys work on a contingency basis, so you have nothing to lose. Your lawyer will not be paid until you are compensated through a judgment or settlement for your damages.

Complete our Free Case Evaluation Form on this page today, so you can get your claim reviewed by an attorney in your area. A strict statute of limitations does apply, so don’t wait too late.

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