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Tips For Dealing With a Tow Truck After An Accident

It might seem a nightmarish possibility, but it is a potential reality on any of our crowded highways. You get hit by another vehicle, your own car is totaled and you and possibly some of your family members are injured. What do you do and who can you turn to for help?

Can you claim compensation if you were not to blame for the accident? There are many issues involved in any accident. In this article we will concentrate on how to deal with a tow truck if you have had an accident.

Tip#1: Your Life and Those Of Your Passengers are More Important Than Your Vehicle

Your precious vehicle may have been badly damaged and that’s important, but you should consider your own safety and that of others around you first. Attend to whatever injuries you can and call 911 and ask for an ambulance if one is needed. Your vehicle can wait.

Tip#2: Contact the Police Before You Contact a Tow Truck Company

You don’t want your vehicle towed away, even if it is only slightly damaged, before the police arrive. If someone has been injured, you must let them know what has happened and wait for their arrival.

If you get to the point where you decide to file a personal injury claim, you will need a police report to help support your claim. If vehicles are towed away too soon, it might remove useful evidence which shows that you were the victim of someone else’s negligent driving.

Tip#3: Take Photos of Your Car and any Other Vehicles Involved Before the Tow Truck Arrives

A personal injury and insurance claim will be more likely to succeed if you have evidence of what happened and that someone else was to blame. If you get the chance before the tow truck arrives, take photos of the crash scene and any damage done to your vehicle and any other vehicles involved.

You can use the voice recorder on your phone to get witness statements, too.

Tips For Dealing With a Tow Truck After An Accident

Tip#4: Find Out What the Tow Will Cost You

At this stage, you won’t know if you will be able to claim compensation from the other party involved. You may be able to claim the tow truck cost back from your own insurance company in the meantime, unless the accident happened outside of your home state or the accident happened at the other end of your own state.

Preferably, you should contact your own insurance company first to see if they can organize a reasonably priced tow. If this is impossible, you may end up having to use a company you know nothing about and accept what they charge.

Tip#5: Talk To a Personal Injury Attorney As Soon As You Can

If you, or anyone else in your vehicle, have been injured and you are convinced that you were not to blame for the accident, you may be able to file a personal injury claim against the at-fault party.

A successful claim may depend on the help you get from an experienced personal injury attorney. Compensation should cover any medical costs, lost earnings and damage to your vehicle, including the cost of the tow.