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I Got hit by a disabled driver. Are they still at fault?

Auto Accidents Caused by Disabled Drivers

If you have been injured in an auto accident anywhere in the U.S., you may be wondering exactly how you are going to cope, especially if you have suffered serious injuries and are not insured for the level of injuries you have received.

It is even worse if you are not to blame because the cost of the accident seems to be all yours to deal with.

How do you pay for all those extra medical bills, the wages you are likely to lose and how do you recoup your confidence when you next get back in the driver’s seat?

As long as the driver at fault can be positively identified you may be able to make a claim for fair and full compensation for the cost of your injuries and any emotional pain and suffering you have experienced.

Make a start as soon as you are able by contacting an experienced auto accident lawyer.

Are Disabled Drivers a Real Threat?

Disabled Driver Personal Injury Lawyer

Disabled drivers are not often in the accident news, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t a factor in traffic accidents. Newer and better technology, as well as more socially progressive attitudes, mean that disabled drivers are more likely to retain their mobility despite their condition.

As with elderly drivers, the fact that these drivers are disabled does not mean that they are more likely to have accidents than more able drivers.

In fact, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has the opinion that most disabled drivers drive more carefully because of their disability and are less likely to be drunk, drive too fast or disobey the road rules, all common factors in traffic accidents.

However, some accidents are certainly caused by divers who are disabled, even though the reasons for the accident may not be because of the disability

More common factors, such as distracted driving, fatigue and a failure to concentrate or yield the right of way at an intersection may be to blame.

Disabled drivers are just as responsible for their behavior on the roads as other road users and those who are to blame for an accident must be prepared for an injured accident victim to make a claim against them for the cost of their injuries.

Who is at Fault In an Auto Accident?

Each state has slightly different laws that determine who is at fault in an accident and who can claim for compensation.

The at-fault laws are particularly important in an accident involving a disabled driver, because of the difficulty in deciding whether the disability had any effect on the person’s driving ability and the exact circumstances of the accident.

In some states, there is a law that is known as “comparative fault.” This means that a claim for compensation is calculated according to the percentage blame for the accident.

For instance, if in an accident involving a disabled driver, you were hit in the rear, but failed to indicate you were stopping (perhaps your brake lights did not work), you may be able to claim only a portion of the compensation you need.

In other states, the fact that you were at least partly to blame may mean you are not entitled to make any claim at all.

The Value of an Experienced Attorney

If you are involved in an accident involving a disabled driver, you will probably have a tough time trying to make a claim against him or her unless you are able to get professional help from an experienced auto accident attorney.

The at-fault laws and requirement to be able to prove who was to blame mean an attorney’s help is more likely to lead to a successful claim.

If you have been seriously injured, don’t underestimate how important financial compensation is for your present and future well-being.