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Accidents With a Coach USA Bus*

Buses are a common kind of transportation in use today, so they are found on roads throughout the country. Bus crashes are more likely to result in catastrophic injuries, such as paralysis, lost limbs, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and even death.

If a crash involving a bus has left you injured, you should consider filing a personal injury claim to recover your losses. A personal injury attorney will help ensure your rights are protected when you file such a claim.

Determining Who is At Fault in A Commercial Bus Accident

Your bus accident lawyer will make sure your vehicle accident is properly investigated and will determine who is at fault for the crash. Following the investigation, it will be determined if negligence was a contributing factor in the accident.

The party who is at fault is liable for the damages that are incurred, and your attorney will pursue damages from that party. There are several causes for bus crashes, but often they result from negligence and could have been prevented.

Damages are awarded differently in different states. Some states require that a party be completely to blame for a crash before they are responsible for damages. Other states allow comparative negligence damages, which means a party can be held liable for part of the damages if there was joint responsibility in regards to the crash. If it is determined that the at fault party was negligent, you might be able to be awarded punitive damages as well.

What are Negligent Causes of Bus Crashes

  • Fatigued Driving - Driving too many hours or driving while tired or drowsy.
  • Reckless Driving - Driving while breaking traffic laws, speeding, or ignoring traffic signals.
  • Distracted Driving - Driving while talking on the phone, eating, putting on mascara, or even texting.
  • Driving Drunk - Operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs - including some prescription drugs that have warning labels.

To see if the coach driver was guilty of any of these infractions before the crash, you need to consult with a personal injury lawyer. Even any of these acts of negligence occurred, you can proceed with a personal injury claim.

Collisions Involving Coach Buses

If a bus crash left you suffering severe injuries and with multiple damages. These damages can be recovered through a personal injury claim, but dealing with an insurance company can be challenging. You need to retain a personal injury lawyer to represent you with such a claim.

Call a personal injury lawyer today to schedule a consultation.

*The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Coach USA, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.