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Accidents With a Florida Express Bus*

There are thousands of vehicles traveling on America's roadways. Many of those vehicles are buses. If your passenger vehicle was hit by a bus during an accident, odds are you suffered serious injuries. A bus crash can cause extensive damage and life-altering injuries, so you should consult with a personal injury attorney.

Determining Who Was At Fault for the Bus Accident

In order to claim damages or get compensation for injuries you suffered, you have to have evidence of who was at fault for the bus crash. Your personal injury lawyer will conduct an in-depth investigation into the crash.

The investigation will also look into the activities surrounding the crash and right up to the event. There are countless causes for motor vehicle accidents, but most of them could have been prevented.

If the bus driver or the company that owns the bus is determined to be at fault for the accident, they are liable for the damages that you suffered. Florida does observe comparative negligence laws, so if you are credited with being partially at fault for the crash you can still get damages but your percentage of fault for the crash will be deducted from the overall award. Your attorney will help you file your personal injury claim.

Acts of Negligence That Lead to Bus Crashes

  • Driving While Intoxicated - Driving while drunk or while under the influence of illegal or prescription drugs that might impair your ability to drive.
  • Reckless Driving - This might include driving faster than the posted speed limit, running a stop sign or ignoring a traffic light, or failing to adhere to other traffic laws.
  • Mechanical Failure - If a part on the bus fails, it could cause a crash. Mechanical failure can be because of faulty parts or because of improper maintenance.
  • Fatigued Driving - This is driving when drowsy or too tired. Commercial drivers cannot drive longer than the specified amount of hours within a set number of hours.

If the driver or bus company was confirmed to have been doing any of these things before the crash, the crash might have resulted from an act of negligence. Negligence might warrant punitive damages in addition to regular damages. Consult with a personal injury lawyer today so you can proceed with your claim to recover damages.

Collisions Involving a Bus

If a crash with a Florida Express Bus vehicle, or any other vehicle, has left you injured, you might suffer a variety of damages. You might be able to recover medical expenses, lost wages, loss of future earning capacity, pain and suffering, and property damage. To ensure your rights are protected, you should schedule a free consultation with an experienced personal injury attorney.

*The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Florida Express, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.