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What Should I Do If I Am In A Crash With A Vamoose Bus?*

Buses are a leading form of public transportation in the cities. They are also chartered to take groups to events nationwide. With the large number of buses on America's roadways, it is very realistic to be injured in an accident with a bus. If you have suffered damages as a result of a crash with a bus, help is available.

Determining Who Is At Fault For A Bus Crash

Determining who is to blame for the accident is imperative in order to recover damages that were suffered. Your personal injury attorney will carefully investigate the accident and all of the events that led right up to it.

Your lawyer will then have the evidence and documentation needed to support a personal injury claim on your behalf. Most bus accidents could have been prevented, and oftentimes, negligence was involved.

If you were involved in a crash with a bus, odds are you suffered physical injuries which resulted in medical expenses, property damages because of damage done to your vehicle, lost wages because of your inability to work as you recover, and pain and suffering.

These damages can add up fast. To make sure your rights are protected and you are treated fairly, get legal representation to deal with the insurance company and to handle the personal injury claim.

Negligent Acts That Cause Bus Crashes

  • Fatigued Driving – Driving too many hours or driving when drowsy can be very dangerous. Dozing off at the wheel can lead to a crash.
  • Distracted Driving – Drivers need to focus on the road. Texting while driving, reading a book, or performing grooming tasks while operating a vehicle can have negative consequences.
  • Reckless Driving – Reckless driving might include exceeding the speed limit, running stop signs, or ignoring traffic laws when driving.
  • Drunk Driving Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol can have fatal results.
  • Mechanical Failure – If a part fails on the vehicle, a crash can result. Routine maintenance and proper repairs are necessary.

If any of these acts took place before the crash, negligence was involved. Negligence sometimes warrants additional damages, which are called punitive damages. Punitive damages are to punish the person who acted negligently and to discourage others from acting in the same manner. Consult with a personal injury attorney to learn more.

Collisions Involving a Bus

A bus can cause serious damage to your car and cause you life-altering injuries. With the help of a personal injury attorney, you might be able to recover the damages that you have suffered. Personal injury claims are complicated and require experienced legal guidance.

Consult with a personal injury lawyer right away to ensure you file your claim before it is too late.

*The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Vamoose, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.