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Multiple Car Accident But No Physical Damage To Car

If you were in a multiple car accident, but there was no physical damage to your car you might be wondering what to do and if you should proceed with a personal injury claim. You could still suffer damages even if your car was not physically impacted by the crash.

Regardless of the severity of the accident, you do need to make sure it is reported. Call the police so they can come out to the scene, investigate the crash, and then complete an accident report. This is essential to your claim because some damages might not be obvious right away.

I Don’t See Physical Damage to My Car

If you inspect your car and don’t see any physical damage, you should still take it to a body shop to be inspected. When a car is hit, it often has a ripple effect. Mechanical components could have been affected and might not fail immediately. There could be repairs necessary although it is not physically obvious right away.

Other damages might have resulted as well. Even a minor tap can lead to back or neck injuries, so it is wise to be checked by a physician after a crash. Neck or back injuries might not be evident until days or even weeks after the crash. This can lead to medical bills, pain and suffering, and lost wages.

Multiple Car Accident But No Physical Damage To Car

Reporting the Accident

Often, people who are involved in minor collisions fail to pursue a claim or avoid reporting the accident because they are afraid their auto insurance rates will increase. Sometimes, the driver thinks he can work things out with the other driver without getting auto insurance involved. Both of those are false.

Auto insurance companies require you to immediately report any accident that you were involved in to them. Also, damages could be more serious than you realize. Don’t try to work things out with the other driver. You are most likely cheating yourself and you are barring yourself from the right to pursue a claim for damages later. After all, car insurance is designed to handle accident claims.

Negligence Comes into Play

Negligence plays a major role in accidents and in the personal injury claim process. If you can prove negligence, you can have a successful personal injury claim. There are four elements of negligence. In this case, the duty, which is the first element, involves the driver having a responsibility to proceed with care to keep others from harm. Second involves the breach of duty.

If the driver speeds, ignores traffic laws, or acts recklessly, he has breached that duty. Third, if breaching that duty causes an accident, the third element has been met. Then the fourth element is showing that the damages that resulted were caused by the accident that resulted from the breach of duty.

Consult With A Personal Injury Attorney

If you have been involved in a multiple car accident that left no physical damage on your car, you should consult with a personal injury attorney. Complete the Free Case Evaluation Form today to learn if you should file a personal injury claim.

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