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Help! I was in a Crash at a Jack in the Box! What Do I Do?*

If you have been involved in a vehicle accident recently and have suffered injuries that you consider were someone else’s fault, you may be experiencing anger, worry and confusion.

If you have sufficient evidence available that can demonstrate who was to blame for your injuries, a personal injury attorney can help you make a claim for compensation.

Personal injury claims can help you offset medical bills and any lost wages or other income while you were recovering from an accident that was not your fault.

It’s Possible to be Hit by a Negligent Driver in a Parking Lot

Drivers often switch mentally when entering a parking lot. They may not realize just how many hidden dangers there are. One of the most common accidents in a parking lot is when a driver backs out from a parking space and fails to look out properly all around them.

There are all sorts of people using a parking lot. They may be just walking to a building when they get hit by an impatient or careless driver. It’s easy to imagine what sorts of injuries that can result from a car crash in a parking lot.

The severity of a parking lot accident depends a lot on the speed of the impact and the size of the vehicle. If you are a customer who is walking too or from the restaurant and you get hit by a sizeable supply van while crossing one of the many access roads you could be seriously injured. You could be side swiped, yet land on your back.

You could be crushed or even run over by the vehicle. You could be thrown or dragged along the ground. All of these are frightening scenarios and demand strong action against whoever is to blame.

Legal Action is Your Right if Hit by a Negligent Driver

Every state makes allowance for accidents that have been caused by a negligent driver. Even when the inured victim is at least partly to blame themselves, the state may make allowances for this in their personal injury legislation. Most accident victims can file a claim for damages that they have been saddled with, especially medical bills and lost income because the injuries have meant you have had to stay at home.

State laws can be difficult to interpret and the defendant may use an insurance company that refuses to act responsibly, so it is advisable to seek professional help from an experienced personal injury attorney.

*Disclaimer*The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against any party and/or Jack in the Box, you may not be entitled to any compensation.