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Car Accidents at a Circle K Gas Station*

Despite concern over rising gas prices, highways are busier than they have ever been. That means gas stations are busy too. You need your tank of gas so you need to visit a gas station to get it.

What you have probably never realised is that gas stations can be quite dangerous, especially as other drivers like yourself want to fill up and get on to your destination as soon as possible. This makes driving in and out of a gas station hazardous.

The chances of becoming involved in a serious car crash are quite high.

If you are a victim of a car crash in a gas station and you didn’t cause the accident you may be able file a personal injury claim.

It is recommended that you contact a personal injury attorney first.

Car Crash Scenarios in a Gas Station

You wouldn’t really expect to be involved in a car accident in a gas station when compared to the busy highway nearby. They can be confusing places at the best of times and often drivers are in a hurry and don’t heed direction signs and often find themselves in one-way lines on the wrong side of the road.

The sorts of accidents that can happen in this situation include:

  • a head on collision caused by driving the wrong way down a side road;
  • a side-swipe ripping another cars door off while trying to reverse out of the wrong lane;
  • reversing into a car behind when trying to escape the wrong lane;
  • An accident with multiple drivers due to a crowded parking lot.

If you are one of the unlucky ones involved in a car accident at a gas station premises you must make sure you have kept a precise record of the events leading up to the accident and the damage caused.

This means asking for potential witnesses names and addresses so you can seek their help later.

Why You Need a Personal Injury Attorney for a Car Crash

A personal injury attorney is vital in these sorts of accident situations. Not only will the attorney quickly be able to assess your chances of success but the settlement you could receive will be far fairer than any you could negotiate on your own. Personal injury attorneys know how to get the maximum for you and don’t take any back chat from difficult insurers.

Medical expenses and loss of earnings may be recovered after negotiating with the insurer of the at-fault driver.


The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Circle K gas, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.

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