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Car Accidents at an Irving Oil Gas Station*

It seems unlikely at first that you could be badly injured while still inside your own vehicle at a gas station, but it certainly does happen.

Maybe because gas stations are often such busy and congested places where drivers may not be fully concentrating on what they are doing. Whatever the reason, it is not fair for you to have to pick up the tab after being hit by another driver through no fault of your own.

If you have been seriously injured, have big bills to pay and you have had to stay at home as a result of your injuries, it is seriously worth considering visiting a personal injury attorney to find out what your legal options are.

Accident Scenarios at an Oil Station

Most gas station accidents are due to poor driving rather than being the fault of the gas station owner or operator, but there are still a few scenarios that are due to poor maintenance or management of the facilities.

The most likely crash potential is if there is a major oil spill which is left uncleared. Oil spills, water leaks and uncleared ice can lead to an uncontrolled slide as a car tries to negotiate its way across them.

Driver error is more common. You could be:

  • side swiped
  • rear ended or
  • hit in front by another vehicle

in which the driver fails to keep a sharp look out, is distracted by something, is just too plain sleepy to drive carefully or is drunk or affected by drugs.

Need Help Filing a Claim?

Few personal injury claims that are made without legal help from a qualified attorney are successful. More likely you will either be offered an unsatisfactory compensation payment or accused of causing the accident yourself.

Personal injury attorneys understand state legislation well and know how to negotiate with an insurer to maximize the effect of a claim.


The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Irving Oil, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.