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Car Accidents at a TravelCenters of America*

Some gas stations are very popular stop off points. They may experience high volumes of traffic at certain times of the day. Unfortunately some drivers simply don’t pay enough attention to their surroundings when they stop at a gas station and can run into you.

Whatever the circumstances, you should not have to pay for treatment of injuries that were caused by someone else.

Find out from a personal injury attorney whether you are able to file a personal injury claim. A successful claim can make all the difference financially.

Car Crash Scenarios

Most car crashes occur for similar reasons whether the scene of the crash is a gas station or an interstate. Driver error is the most likely cause with defective cars and car components and unsafe surface conditions being less important.

At a gas station, drivers may lose their focus. They could be just too tired to drive safely. They may have had a drink too many or have taken drugs which affect their judgment.

They could be aggressive drivers, driving far too carelessly for the conditions. They may lose control of their vehicle for any number of reasons, or simply don’t see a car in front of them because they were attending to a phone call.

Car crash scenarios at a gas station may involve just about every way that a car could be hit:

  • from the side;
  • in front by a head-on collision;
  • in the rear.

The worst injuries probably happen to anyone unfortunate enough to be hit while out of their car by a speeding driver.

Speaking With an Attorney

It is best to talk to a personal injury attorney after being involved in a car crash at a gas station in which you were injured through no fault of your own.

The attorney will assess the circumstances of your accident dispassionately and be able to provide an opinion about the chances of successfully recovering damages via a personal injury claim.

If the chances are reasonable, the attorney can help pursue legal action against the party at fault on your behalf.


The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against TravelCenters of America or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.