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What Should I Do if I Was Rear Ended by a UPS* Truck?

Have you been hit in the rear by a mail truck? You may have suffered a typical rear end accident injury like whiplash. Most rear end accidents are the fault of the vehicle behind you. There is no reason why you should suffer financially as the result of an accident that was not your fault.

Contact a personal injury attorney to discuss the possibility of filing a claim for compensation. A successful claim can help pay for unexpected medical treatment, replace any earnings you may have lost, repair or replace your car, and compensate for the pain and suffering caused.

How a Rear End Mail Truck Accident Could Take Place

Vehicles are expected to remain a safe distance behind any other vehicle in front of them. There is always the possibility that the vehicle in front of you could slow down or stop suddenly, so the safe distance is calculated as the distance it takes to stop without causing a collision. That’s the theory, but in practice some drivers are too impatient and drive far too close for safety.

Truck drivers may feel under pressure to reach their destination and be keen to get past you. Some drivers drive aggressively and tailgate other driers unnecessarily. Truck drivers may be distracted by a cell phone call, or be too tired to concentrate on what they are doing. Whatever the reason, any collision between a mail truck and a smaller vehicle usually causes more damage to the smaller vehicle and its occupants.

Possible Rear End Accident Injuries

Typically, you don’t expect a rear end collision and are unprepared for the suddenness of the impact. Your neck may jerk forwards and then back again. This can cause serious neck injuries which may not manifest themselves until hours or days after the accident. If you are wearing your seat belt, you should not hurt your face or skull. Passengers sitting in the rear of the car may also be seriously injured if the collision happens at high speed.

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What You Can Do to Recover Damages

Most rear end collisions, such as getting rear-ended at a red light, are caused by negligence on the part of the driver behind you. If you have serious injuries, you should consider filing a personal injury claim against the driver or mail carrier service itself, depending on the exact circumstances in which the accident took place.

You will need to be aware of the state specific rules for personal injury for the state in which the accident took place. These determine when you need to file your claim by, whether you can still claim if you were partially to blame for the accident (e.g. if you were not wearing a seat belt or your tail lights didn’t work, this may be taken into account), and if there are any caps on the amount of damages that can be claimed.

Why You Should Use an Attorney to Help You with a Personal Injury Claim

Personal injury claims are rarely straightforward. A personal injury attorney can provide valuable legal advice, help you prepare documentation and other evidence supporting your claim, and negotiate with the insurance adjuster representing the mail driver or the company.

Additional Resources

*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against UPS, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.