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Help! I Crashed While Merging with a USPS Truck!*

If you have been hit by another vehicle while merging in traffic, you can suffer serious injuries and damage to your car. Merging accidents are very common and happen on roads that have more than one lane going in the same direction.

They can be the result of misjudging the distance between cars or not paying adequate attention and hitting another car while merging into another lane. Mail trucks are often larger than most cars on the road, so you may have extensive injuries. If you have been in an auto accident while merging with a truck, be sure to speak with a personal injury attorney as soon as you can.

Injuries from a Merging Accident

There are several different kinds of injuries you might suffer from a merging crash with a truck. Here are some examples:

  • A broken arm and hand from the door crushing in against you while you were driving.
  • You could suffer a displaced shoulder and torn rotator cuff if the impact is on the driver's side of your vehicle.
  • If the impact causes you to lose control, you could suffer head trauma and a spinal injury from a rollover.
  • If the accident causes your car's airbags to deploy, you could suffer facial bruises, a broken nose, and lacerations.
  • You could suffer a concussion and a neck injury from being flung around by the impact.
  • The crash could cause internal injuries and result in multiple bruises on your arms and torso.

Determining Fault After the Crash

The police officer who responds to the accident scene will complete an accident report. As part of the crash investigation, the officer will determine who was at fault. This may involve getting statements from any witnesses as well as the drivers and passengers involved. If the truck is deemed at fault, it could be the result of many improper maneuvers.

It could be because the driver wasn't paying close enough attention, the driver may have misjudged distance, or the driver might have failed to signal while merging onto the freeway. If you were the one to not signal while turning onto the freeway, it's possible you will be at fault for the crash and unable to file a personal injury claim.

How to Start Your Claim, and How a PI Attorney Can Help

If you have suffered injuries and your car has been damaged as a result of a crash with a truck that resulted while merging, you might want to consider filing a personal injury (PI) claim to recoup your damages. A PI claim can help you recover medical bills, lost wages, the costs of property damage, pain and suffering, and other damages that you might have suffered as a result of the crash. You should consult with a PI attorney if you have been injured in a crash involving a mail truck.

Additional Resources

*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against the USPS/US Postal Service, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.