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How to Get Compensation for a Stoplight Accident

When you think of places where auto accidents are common, you probably think of crashes that take place on the open road. However, car accidents at stoplights are just as common as other types of auto accidents. In addition, just because the light turned red does not mean every driver stopped.

You sat at a red light waiting for the go signal when another vehicle came out of nowhere to slam into the driver side of your car. The result was considerable damage to the engine and side panel of your vehicle, but the worst damage was inflicted on your body.

If you suffer from the lingering physical and emotional effects of a stoplight accident that was caused by another driver, you might have a strong enough case to pursue monetary damages awarded after the end of a civil court hearing. The key is to know what types of damages you can seek, as well as what you need to do immediately after a stoplight accident.

Common Types of Stoplight Damages

Stoplight damages to vehicles run from minor fender benders to major impacts. In the example of another vehicle running a red light and slamming into your car, the damages to your vehicle can run into the thousands of dollars. You might even have to replace your car with another vehicle. In any case, the costs of parts and labor is reason enough to reach out to a state licensed personal injury lawyer to gain compensation for the damages.

Medical expenses are another type of damage that can set you back financially for years. Getting hit at a red light can trigger constant back pain, as well as the pain associated with a hip injury. You have to pay for a healthcare professional to diagnose your injuries, but the costs of healthcare soar when it comes to treatment and rehabilitation.

Making Sure You Get Paid for Another Driver’s Negligence

How do you get compensation for another driver’s negligence? You have to know what to do right after a stoplight accident. Serious car accidents require the presence of police to set up barriers and ensure every driver and passenger receives prompt medical care.

If you were involved in a serious stoplight crash, the first thing you need to do is contact a law enforcement agency. The responding officer conducts a quick, yet thorough investigation that leads to the creation of a formal police report.

Auto insurance companies want police reports to accompany claims because the reports boost the credibility of the information presented in a claim. Police reports typically include statements from every witness, as well as the contact information for each witness.

Although a formal police report is regarded by insurers as the most persuasive document files with an auto insurance claim, insurance companies interview the same witness to verify accounts of a stoplight accident. If a police report backs up your claim of negligence, the chances of your receiving compensation becomes much more likely.

Contact a Personal Injury Attorney

A personal injury lawyer represents you during a civil lawsuit that seeks monetary damages for negligence. However, an attorney is also helpful when it comes to dealing with your car insurance company. Not only can a personal injury lawyer argue your case, he or she makes sure the claim moves forward in a timely manner.

Speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer to learn more about the strength of your auto insurance claim.

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