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Other Driver Didn't Use Turn Signal In Florida

There are countless causes of car accidents. One of the leading causes of crashes is a driver failing to use a turn signal. When a signal is not used, others cannot predict which direction you will be heading or any lane changes you might make.

Improper lane changes can cause sideswipe crashes, rear-end collisions, and cause cars to clip one another. If the other driver didn't use a turn signal and caused a crash in Florida, you might be able to recover compensation for your damages by filing a personal injury claim.

You should consult with a personal injury lawyer if you have been involved in an auto accident caused by a driver failing to use a turn signal.

How Negligence Might Impact a Crash Caused by a Failure to Signal

Most car accidents could be prevented. A driver has the responsibility to exercise due care to protect the safety of those on the roadways. Negligence might involve speeding, failure to adhere to traffic regulations, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or something such as failing to use a turn signal.

If you can prove that the other driver was negligent or that he or she failed to use a turn signal, you can prove negligence and then have a successful personal injury claim. In Florida, pure comparative negligence is used.

Even if you are 99% at fault for the accident, you can file a claim to recover damages from the other driver.

If the other driver was at all to blame for the crash, you can recover compensation for the damages.

Other Driver Failed to Signal

Damages That Might Result From a Crash Caused By Failure To Use A Turn Signal in Florida

An auto accident caused by a failure to use a turn signal can lead to a variety of damages. Several things come into play and impact the severity of such an accident. The point of the initial impact, if the vehicles strike anything else after the impact, the speed of the vehicles, and the kinds of vehicles being driven all play a role in what happens during the crash.

You will have property damages, so take photos of the damages to your vehicle and get a written estimate for repairing the damages. Keep any bills for having your vehicle towed and keep receipts for any rental cars used while your vehicle is inoperable.

Keep medical records, medical bills, proof of lost wages, and so forth to support your personal injury claim.

Consult With a Florida Personal Injury Attorney

If you were involved in an auto accident caused by the other driver not using a signal, you should consult with a personal injury attorney about filing a Florida personal injury claim. With the help of a personal injury lawyer, you can pursue a claim against the other driver in an effort to be compensated for the various damages that you suffered.

Your attorney will investigate the accident, gather evidence and documentation, then build a case against the other party. A car accident can cause a serious financial bind, but with the help of a successful personal injury claim, you might be able to recoup your losses.

Schedule a free case evaluation today.

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