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Hit by UPS in Indiana*

If you have been hit by another vehicle, you are in a stressful situation. Auto accidents are very common as well as costly. A minor crash can result in significant financial losses for those involved. You risk the chance of an accident every day.

UPS is a package delivery service that has thousands of vehicles on the roads, like any other massive mail delivery service. If you have been hit by a mail truck, you might be able to pursue a personal injury claim.

This state uses modified comparative fault, which means you can pursue damages from the other driver as long as you are no more than 51% to blame for the auto accident. If they were only 49% at fault, you can still pursue damages through a personal injury claim.

How Negligence Impacts Being Hit

Negligence is the leading cause of motor vehicle accidents. Negligence involves failing to adhere to traffic laws, so they are actions or inactions. It can be failing to use a turn signal, speeding, following too closely, improper lane change, running a stop sign, or dozens of other things.

If you can prove that the other driver was negligent, you can have a strong claim for damages. Documentation, such as the accident report, can help establish this. Eyewitness statements can also be beneficial. Gather photos of any damages, injuries, and the accident scene.

Damages That Might Result From Being Hit

If you have been hit by a mail truck, you have most likely suffered a variety of damages. Those damages will include property damages, which involve the damages to your vehicle. You will have medical expenses and lost wages because of your injuries and you might have future lost wages and future medical expenses.

You can only file one claim, so make sure future expenses are included. Other damages include pain and suffering, loss of consortium, loss of enjoyment of life, mental trauma, and other damages.

Your personal injury attorney can help you determine which damages you suffered and how you can recoup compensation for those losses. Keep medical bills, receipts, tow bills, written repair estimates, documentation showing lost wages, and any other financial losses that you suffered. Documentation is detrimental to a successful personal injury claim.

Consult With A Personal Injury Attorney

If you have suffered damages as a result of being hit by a vehicle, you should consult with a personal injury attorney. With the help of a lawyer, you might be able to recover compensation for the damages that you suffered.

Most personal injury attorneys work on a contingency basis, so you will not pay out any upfront costs or expenses. There is nothing to lose by talking with an auto accident injury attorney. Instead, the lawyer will be paid out of your judgment or settlement.

If you have been hit by a mail truck, consider filing a personal injury claim. Schedule a free case evaluation with a personal injury lawyer today.

Additional Information

*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against UPS, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.