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Hit As A Pedestrian in Massachusetts

Were you walking to your destination when you were struck by a vehicle in Massachusetts? If that was the case, you might be eligible to file a personal injury claim to recover compensation for the damages you suffered in the accident.

Massachusetts is the third most densely populated state in the nation, and more people are walking to get from one place to another. In 2014, the Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security reported that about 21% of all motor vehicle fatalities involved a pedestrian.

As an injured pedestrian, you have the right to seek compensation but you must prove that the driver of the vehicle was negligent and that negligence caused the accident.

How Negligence Plays A Role in Massachusetts Pedestrian Accidents

Often, pedestrians who have been hit by a car believe they are eligible to pursue damages but that is not always true. Being hit by a car doesn't prove negligence on behalf of the driver. Some accidents result from the pedestrian's negligence or from because of the pedestrian being careless and not paying attention.

Even when the driver was negligent, their auto insurance company might try to allege the pedestrian was at fault for what happened. If your attorney can prove the driver was negligent, you might be able to recover compensation for a variety of damages.

If you were legally crossing the street, then odds are the driver was negligent. A distraction or speeding can lead to a serious crash that causes the pedestrian to suffer life-altering injuries that have a costly impact for years to come.

Damages Suffered When Being Hit As A Massachusetts Pedestrian

A negligent driver can cause a pedestrian to suffer a variety of damages. The more common damages include medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. There could be past and future lost wages and medical expenses.

You need to keep all evidence supporting your claim. This means keep all medical bills, medical records, proof of missed work and lost wages, and how the injuries have impacted your life. If possible, take photos of any visible injuries that you suffered.

You will also need a copy of the accident report that is completed by the responding officer.

Hit As A Pedestrian in Massachusetts

Consult With A Personal Injury Attorney

If you have been injured as a pedestrian struck by a vehicle in Massachusetts, you should consult with a personal injury attorney. Your lawyer will be able to determine the best way to recover compensation for your damages.

You will need an attorney to build a strong case to support your claim and to show that negligence was the cause of the accident that resulted in your injuries.

Personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis, so your attorney will not be paid until you get a judgment or settlement for damages, so schedule a free case evaluation today.

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