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Hit By UPS in Nevada*

There is a very real possibility of being hit by a mail truck. If you have been hit, you have suffered various damages and might be seriously injured.

You might be able to get the help you need by recovering compensation for your damages through a personal injury claim. With the help of a personal injury attorney, you are much more likely to have a successful personal injury claim.

How Negligence Impacts Being Hit

If you have been hit, the crash was most likely the result of negligence. If you can prove that the driver acted negligently and that caused the crash, you are much more likely to recover compensation for your losses. Negligence is not adhering to traffic laws or acting in a safe manner.

Speeding, reckless driving, following too closely, not using a signal, or running a stop sign are some examples of negligence. This state uses contributory negligence, which means liability for an accident is proportionately spread according to the fault for the accident. As long as you do not have a greater responsibility for fault than the defendant, you can recover compensation with a personal injury claim.

If possible, take photos of the accident scene with your smartphone. Get a copy of the accident report as well.

Damages That Might Result From Being Hit

If you have been hit by a mail truck, you have most likely suffered serious injuries and extensive damages. Car accidents lead to economic and non-economic damages. Your property damages will involve the damages to your vehicle. Take photos of these damages and make sure your vehicle gets to a qualified auto body shop for a written estimate for repairing it.

Your injuries will cause you to have medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

You might have permanent scarring and disfigurement, long-term disabilities, and future loss of earnings and future medical bills. You can only file one personal injury claim, so make sure any future losses from the accident are included in the claim.

A personal injury lawyer can help you determine which damages you suffered in the accident.

Consult With A Personal Injury Lawyer

If you were hit, your damages might be life-changing. Delivery trucks are much larger and heavier than the traditional passenger vehicle. If you can show that the other driver had more fault for the accident than you, you can recover compensation for those losses.

When you enlist the help of a personal injury attorney, you are improving your chances of a successful claim. Your attorney will not require an upfront payment and will only be paid after you get a judgment or settlement.

A strict statute of limitations applies, so if you wait too long you might miss your opportunity to be compensated for your damages. Schedule a free case evaluation of an auto accident injury attorney today.

Additional Resources

While this article covers a crash , you may have questions about liability in your crash, and possibly some questions as to how your own crash may affect your case. You can find more answers here:

*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against UPS, or another party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.