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T-Bone Accident New Hampshire

Serious injuries result from a T-bone accident. If you have been T-boned in New Hampshire, you have most likely suffered various damages and serious injuries. A comparative fault state, you can recover compensation for your damages as long as you were not more than 51% at fault for the crash that resulted.

You might be able to be compensated by filing a personal injury claim against the other driver. If you have been T-boned, you should consult with a personal injury attorney as soon as possible so you can get your claim on the right track as soon as possible. Time is of the essence when filing a claim for damages.

How Negligence Impacts A New Hampshire Personal Injury Claim

Most motor vehicle accidents could be prevented, including serious T-bone accidents. Often, a distraction causes the accident. Sometimes speed may play a role.

Drivers continue to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol despite the ongoing campaigns and stricter laws. The police report should give a preliminary review of what happened and what led to the damages and injuries you suffered.

Eyewitnesses statements might also be beneficial. Your attorney will also investigate the crash to determine why it happened.

As long as you are not more than 51% to blame for the crash, you can pursue a personal injury claim against the other driver.

Damages That Result From A New Hampshire T-Bone Crash

A serious T-bone crash can lead to major damages and financial losses. When you are T-boned, you are thrown around in a whip-like motion that can cause serious neck or back injuries, traumatic brain injuries, soft tissue injuries, and even broken bones.

You will have mounting medical bills and you will be suffering from a lack of income because you will be unable to work as you recover. You need to maintain adequate documentation to support your claim.

Keep any medical bills, medical records, proof of lost wages, written estimates for repairing your vehicle, photos of any damages and injuries, and statements from any eyewitnesses to the crash. These will all help build your case against the other driver.

The evidence is the key to a successful claim.

T-Boned In New Hampshire

Consult With A Personal Injury Attorney

If you have been involved in a T-bone crash in New Hampshire, you should consult with a personal injury attorney. With the help of a lawyer, you can file a personal injury claim and recover compensation for the damages that you suffered.

Your attorney will investigate the crash, gather all evidence and supporting documentation, and help you build an argument to show that the other driver's negligence led to the damages you suffered. You will not have any upfront costs because your attorney ill be working on a contingency basis and will not be paid until you get a settlement or judgment.

Schedule a free case evaluation with a New Hampshire auto accident injury attorney today so you can get your personal injury claim underway.

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