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What to Do If Someone Ran a Red Light and Hit You in Texas

If someone ran a red light and hit you in Texas, you can file a personal injury claim. The Texas Transportation Code states that a driver approaching a red light must come to a complete stop before the nearest crosswalk, when reaching a clearly marked stop line, or entering the intersection itself. A driver is not allowed to proceed until the light has turned green and the intersection is clear of pedestrians and other traffic. Even if the driver is making a right turn on red where it is allowed, the driver must stop first to make sure it is safe to turn. If a driver breaches these red light rules and hits another vehicle causing serious injury then it should be possible for the victim to file a personal injury claim against the driver for braking firmly established.

Texas Red Light Laws

When a driver runs a red light and hits a pedestrian or the driver and/or passengers of another vehicle and injures them, he or she may be responsible for paying any damages because Texas is an at-fault state. This means the person who causes the accident pays for the damages to property and anyone injured at the time. It is quite likely that the person who ran the red light would be found to be at fault and so would be responsible for damages. These could include the following:

  • car repair costs;
  • the payment of medical bills for those injured in the accident;
  • the payment of missed wages for anyone who is injured who has to take time off work to recover;
  • an amount calculated for pain and suffering caused to anyone injured as the result of the red light violation.

What to Do If Someone Ran a Red Light And Hit You In Texas

If you have been a victim of an accident caused by a driver who ran a red light in Texas there are some steps you should take as soon as the accident took place. These include the following:

  • seek medical attention immediately and keep any receipts for services you paid for;
  • take pictures and videos of the accident site;
  • call police and get their report;
  • exchange info with the other driver;
  • gather evidence such as eye witnesses’ reports;
  • speak with a lawyer.

Get Help With Your Texas Auto Accident Claim

It is never easy winning a personal injury claim when a driver has run a red light in Texas as so often the evidence isn’t sufficient proof that establishes who caused the run a red light accident. However, if you get an attorney to work on your behalf with a free case evaluation you will have a far higher chance of winning a personal injury claim from the driver who ran a red light and caused the accident and your injuries than if you filed the claim on your own.

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