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Damaged Tailgate From a Tow Truck

If your truck has experienced mechanical problems, or if you have been in an accident, you will need to have your vehicle towed. When you entrust your truck to a towing service, you expect it to be hauled to its destination safely. If your vehicle has suffered a damaged tailgate from a tow truck, you might want to pursue a property damage claim against the towing service to recover compensation for your damages.

Gathering Supporting Evidence

Damages can happen from a tow truck. To make sure you have all your bases covered, take photos of the inside and outside of your vehicle before it is towed. Document all damages.

If possible, you should record your vehicle being loaded onto the tow truck. Try to have witnesses there who can support your claim if an accident occurs. When your truck gets to the destination, once again check for damages and photo all damage.

Tell the tow truck driver if you find any new damages. Your tow truck driver might admit if they made a mistake or if an accident happened. If the tow truck doesn’t admit to causing the damage, the claims process can be much easier, and you might be able to settle your property damage claim much more quickly. A damaged tailgate can be an expensive fix, so hold the tow truck responsible for your losses.

Damaged Tailgate From a Tow Truck?

The Demand Letter to the Towing Company

The first step in getting a property damage claim against the towing company underway is to send a demand letter to the towing company and their insurer. You will need to tell them where your vehicle was being picked and where it was being hauled.

Include supporting documentation, such as before and after photos and witness statements. You will also need to include a copy of a written estimate for repairing or replacing your damaged tailgate from the tow truck.

You will need to include an itemized list of your damages, so consider that the towing company and that their insurer will want to negotiate. Always ask for more than the bare minimum you need to cover your losses. Remember, negotiating can be a time-consuming and challenging process.

Consult With a Personal Injury Lawyer

There is a strict statute of limitations for pursuing a personal injury claim after an accident. That timeframe can vary from one state to another, often ranging from one to three years. If you wait too long, you will not be able to recover compensation for your losses.

You should talk with a personal injury lawyer to help you with your property damage claim after a damaged tailgate from a tow truck. Personal injury attorneys take property damage claims on a contingency basis, which means that the lawyer will not be paid until you have been compensated through a judgment or settlement for your damages. Get your free case evaluation today, so complete the Case Evaluation Form so a lawyer in your area can review the details of your case.

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