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Damaged Windshield Wipers from a Tow Truck

You will need your car towed for one reason or another one day. It might be because of a mechanical issue or it could be because of an accident. While most towing companies handle vehicles with care and are professional, there are times when accidents occur, and damages result to the vehicles being towed. If your vehicle suffered damaged windshield wipers from a tow truck, you can ask the towing company to cover the costs of new wipers and any necessary repairs. Depending on the extent of the damages, you might file a property damage claim.

Gathering Supporting Evidence

Always check your car for any damage before the tow truck loads it. Take photos of your vehicle and of any damages. Be sure to document any damages. If possible, videotape the car and it being loaded. That way, you might be able to much more easily show that the damage resulted from the tow truck itself. Also, ask any witnesses to give statements if they see damage result to your vehicle.

When your car reaches its destination, be sure to get photos again. Take note of any damage and notify the tow truck driver. If you notice damaged windshield wipers, tell them. If it is just the windshield wiper blades, it may not be worth filing a claim for because those can be replaced for less than $50 on most vehicles. But if it involves the windshield wiper motor or other problems, it could cost several hundred dollars, so you will want to pursue a claim.

Demand Letter to the Towing Company

If your car suffered damaged windshield wipers because of a tow truck, you will need to send the towing company a demand letter to let them know that you want to file a claim. Sometimes, if you provide enough evidence, they will realize they are liable and will cover the damages. Provide statements from witnesses, copies of photos, and clearly indicate what happened, how it happened, and why you think the tow truck caused the damage and why you are holding them liable.

Damaged Windshield Wipers from a Tow Truck

You want to be able to enter negotiations with the towing company and show them that they are liable for the damages sustained by your car. Give them a specific timeframe for a response and tell them that if you don’t hear back by then, you are prepared to take legal action. Also, let the towing company know if you have retained an attorney. If you have retained a lawyer, let your lawyer write the demand letter.

Consult With a Personal Injury Attorney

If your car has damaged windshield wipers from a tow truck, you should talk with a personal injury lawyer in your state who handles property damage claims. An attorney can help gather evidence and show liability. Because a personal injury attorney isn’t paid unless your claim is won, the lawyer will be able to tell you if you have a claim against the towing company that is worth pursuing. Get your free case review today.

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