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Disputing Fault for a Slip and Fall at an Albertsons Store*

The most common accidents in supermarkets like Albertsons are slip and fall accidents. There is a wet floor or something slippery on the floor that the store employees have failed to clean up and over you go.

Injuries could be anything from minor embarrassment all the way through to serious head or back injuries or broken limbs. If the accident was the fault of the store or supermarket, then you may have grounds to file a claim for compensation.

In the context of a slip and fall accident in Albertsons or any other supermarket, fault means that the management or employees have failed in their duty to provide a safe environment for their customers. You must be able to prove that the store was negligent if you wish to obtain compensation.

How to Show a Supermarket’s Negligence Caused a Slip and Fall

All stores and supermarkets are expected to look out for hazards that could cause accidents on their premises. If cleaners wash or clean the supermarket floor then it would be responsible to put notices up warning customers that the floor could be slippery. If there were no such notices, any slip and fall accident could be blamed on the store or supermarket management for allowing this to happen.

Similarly, if something had rolled on to the floor and spilled its liquid contents or there had been a leak from a tap or pipe, it would be expected that this would be noticed and dealt with in a “reasonable” time frame. Five minutes before the accident would not be accepted as negligence but half an hour or more before anything was done about it would be proof of fault.

Evidence to Show a Slip and Fall was a Supermarket Chain’s Fault

There are several ways that you could prove that the supermarket was at fault. You have to show that your injury was caused by conditions on the supermarket floor. You then have to show that these slippery conditions could have been avoided. Evidence could include:

  • Photos you could take showing what it was that you slipped over on and your injuries if they are obvious;
  • Statements, either written or audio recordings from eye-witnesses who saw what happened and may have also noted how long the slippery conditions had been ignored.
  • Video-footage recorded by security cameras that were located nearby. This is a bit of a long shot, but could be very useful if you were lucky enough to have been filmed as it should show both the hazard being created and your own accident.

Get Help Proving Fault

Use the Free Case Evaluation to get in contact with a PI lawyer to discuss how he/she can help prove that Albertsons, or any other supermarket, was at fault for your slip and fall injury.

*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Albertsons, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.

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