If you have been involved in a head-on collision, or forced off the road into a hard obstruction like a tree or a barrier, then not only will the front of your car such as your bumper and windshield be damaged but your engine could be damaged, too. You may be facing a very expensive repair bill and will be wondering whether you can obtain compensation if the accident was not your fault.
If you were injured in the accident, it would be normal to file a personal injury claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance provider for the repair bill as well as compensation for your injuries. A personal injury lawyer who has experience with car accident claims can help you prepare as claim and negotiate on your behalf for satisfactory compensation.
Filing a Claim for Engine Damage
If you intend filing a claim for engine damage you will need to know who the driver was that hit you and his or her registration and third party insurance details. You should only submit the claim after making sure that you have proof that the other driver was at fault and have all the documentation you need ready to submit. This would include quotations for either full repair of the damage to the car or the car’s replacement value, whichever is the most appropriate.
It might be uneconomical to get an engine repaired if the damage is significant and the car is an older model. If you or anyone else was injured then you should include proof of medical costs, a doctor’s report, proof of any lost earnings and a justification for any other compensation such as a payment for ‘pain and suffering.’
Specific Evidence Needed for Proving Engine Damage
Engine damage is normally visually obvious. It takes quite an impact for the engine to suffer any critical damage, but this can happen more easily when you are hit by an oncoming vehicle.
If you are able to do so, you should take as many photos of the damage as possible at the accident location as this can prove that it was done at that time and place. Take photos of the two vehicles together to show what happened.
In addition to photographic evidence you should also obtain the police accident report which is a normal procedure after any significant accident. This could provide useful evidence of who was responsible for the accident. A mechanic’s report on the engine damage and quotation for the full cost of all repairs will be needed and should include a statement about what could have caused the damage.
Why you Should Work with a PI Lawyer When Filing for Engine Damage
Engine damage is likely to be accompanied by other damage as well and you are looking at a substantial repair bill. You may even have to have your car taken to the scrap heap and buy another one.
It is not fair for you to make a claim with your own insurer if the damage was done by someone else and they were acting negligently. A personal injury lawyer with car accident experience can help you with processing your claim. Complete the Free Case Evaluation today!