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Evidence Needed to Prove Accident Caused Roof Damage

If you have been in an accident that led to roof damage of your vehicle, you have most likely been in a serious crash. When roof damage occurs to a vehicle, it can be an expensive repair.

In some cases, the car may be a total loss, which means the cost of the fixing the damages exceed the book value of the car. If your car suffered roof damage in an accident that was caused by someone else, you will want to pursue a personal injury claim against the liable party to recoup compensation for your damages.

How Roof Damage Could Happen From a Car Accident

If you have been in a car accident that caused your vehicle to roll over or end up on its roof, then your car could suffer roof damage. Roll overs and flipping cars can cause the roof to be crushed in.

This kind of crash could lead to serious physical injuries because the vehicle’s driver and any other occupants are thrown around inside the car. It can cause back, neck, and head injuries.

As an example, if you were sideswiped by a car and it causes you to lose control, it could cause you to run off the shoulder of the roadway and the car to roll over. You could be hit from behind by a speeding vehicle and that could cause your car to flip over as well.

Either of these crashes would be serious. You will need to call the police and have an accident report filed after such crashes.

Evidence Needed to Prove Accident Caused Roof Damage

Filing a Claim With Roof Damage

You have limited time to pursue a personal injury claim against the liable party after an auto accident. States set the statute of limitations for pursuing claims, and it usually varies from 1 to 3 years after a crash. If you wait too long, you will not be able to pursue a claim and recover compensation for your damages that resulted from the crash.

You will need to send a demand letter to the at-fault driver and their insurer. Explain what happened, how it happened, and why you believe they are liable for your damages. You will need to include supporting evidence and documentation. This will include the accident report, the repair estimate, and photos of the accident scene.

Specific Evidence Needing For Proving Roof Damage

You will need specific evidence that confirms your claim and shows what damages you suffered because of the crash. Specifically, you will need to show that the roof damage was a direct result of the accident.

You will need an itemized estimate from a qualified repair facility. If you can provide statements from witnesses, or if the accident was caught on video, it can be beneficial to your claim.

How a Personal Injury Attorney Could Help

If you have been in an accident that left your vehicle with roof damage, you should speak with a personal injury lawyer in your area. An attorney will be able to gather evidence and help you get your claim on the right track. Get a Free Case Evaluation today.

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