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Evidence to Prove Car Crash Caused Windshield Wiper Damage

Accidents often happen with frightening frequency on the highways and freeways throughout the country. Some are minor, while others that involve speeding or distractive driving are more serious. When a car is involved in a head on collision, apart from the distinct possibility there would be serious injuries to the driver and passengers of the cars involved the windshield wipers are likely to be damaged too.

Windshield wipers are small in cost compared to the cost of medical treatment for injured victims. However, it is these smaller items that are often overlooked when filing a PI claim. They are still important as the car cannot be driven without them. PI claims are never easy to win as the claims can be substantial so if your injuries and car damage were not your fault and you have the evidence to prove it, you should talk to a personal injury lawyer before filing your claim.

Filing a Claim with Windshield Wiper Damage

Proof of who is to blame for a car accident is the most important piece of evidence in any PI claim. You will need to have verifiable evidence from certain sources such

  • the details found in the police report;
  • eye witnesses reports;
  • photographic evidence showing the windshield wiper damage;
  • the car repairer’s report detailing the damage to the windshield wiper;
  • the doctor’s injury report with potential recovery time;
  • any receipts for medical treatment already paid for;
  • last pay slip showing the victim’s wages or salary.

If you believe the evidence cannot be disputed this is the time to initiate your PI claim. You must ensure you are filing the PI claim within your state’s statute of limitations.

Evidence to Prove Car Crash Caused Windshield Wiper Damage

Specific Evidence Needed for Proving Windshield Wiper Damage

When an assessment of the windshield damage is made by the car yard the insurance adjuster will ask to see the details. The insurer will want to be certain that the damage was not done at some other time. This claim is just for windshield damage that took place in this particular car accident. As soon as the insurer has agreed to consider the PI claim it should be submitted.

Why you Should Work with a PI Lawyer When Filing for Windshield Wiper Damage

No PI claim is ever that straightforward but without a settlement the victim is likely to suffer financial hardship which was not his/her fault. It is wise to seek help from a PI lawyer who will make sure the PI claim will be accepted by the at fault driver’s insurer. This means you are more likely to get the PI settlement you are entitled to and deserve. Best of all, your windshield wiper damage should be covered too.

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