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The Biggest PI Settlements of All Time

Most PI claims do not end up in court, but are out of court settlements. However, the biggest settlements are won by going through the court process and can amount to billions of dollars.

Big Tobacco Forced to Pay $206 Million in Compensation

One of the largest settlements of all times was against the country’s four biggest tobacco companies. In 1998 46 states came together to recover damages for the amount it cost to care for lifelong smokers. The lawsuit also sought punitive damages because it was considered that Big Tobacco deliberately misled the public with its advertisements for tobacco products.

The key question in court was whether the jury took the side of Big Tobacco by stating smokers should have known about the dangers or whether it considered Big Tobacco to be negligent, In the final judgment the jury declared that Big Tobacco should take responsibility so the plaintiffs were awarded more than $206 billion to help hospitals take care of sick smokers.

150 Billion for Cancer Causing Burn Injury

In 1998, Robert Middleton at the age of 8 was sexually assaulted, had gasoline poured over him, which was lit by Don Collins, aged 13 years. He received burns to more than 99 percent of his body. It was not until 12 years later that Middleton lost his life to skin cancer. After a lot of deliberation the court decided that Don Collins was at-fault and was charged with wrongful death. Middleton’s family was awarded $150 billion in punitive damages.

The Biggest PI Settlements of All Time

$60 Million Compensation for Gas Station Owner

In 1997, a derailed train ended up hitting a rail side gas station. Donald French was in the office at the time and suffered a traumatic brain injury. The compensation claim amounted to $46 million in damages with a further $14 million in interest which totaled $60 million.

A Malfunctioning Seatbelt Cost the Mazda Motor Corporation and Ford Motor Company 32.5 million

In 1996, Mark Force was involved with a head on collision. He was wearing his seatbelt at the time but it failed to lock him in a safe position and he was thrown into the windshield causing a traumatic brain injury. He decided to file a personal injury lawsuit. There were three defendants in the lawsuit filed by Force. These were the at-fault or negligent driver, the Mazda Motor Corp and Ford Motor Co. The jury awarded PI compensation of $32.5 million in damages.


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