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How to Dispute Fault After an Accident with Uber*

If you have been in an auto accident, and the accident took place in a state where fault is taken into consideration, disputing fault can mean the difference in whether your claim is denied, or you get a fair settlement.

If you believe a ride-sharing service is at fault for the crash, and you are getting blamed, you will need to dispute fault.

How To Dispute Fault After An Accident

If your accident with a ride-sharing service was in a fault-based insurance state, and your claim has been denied because they wrongfully consider you to be at fault for the crash, you should notify the insurance company by phone and in writing – that you dispute their findings regarding fault.

If the insurance based their determination on you being issued a traffic citation that is connected to the crash, or if the insurer is basing that conclusion on the accident report in wake of the crash, you must fight the ticket in court and attempt to explain your side of the story to the investigating police officers.

If you disagree with the accident report and present supporting evidence, you may be able to have the report amended by police.

What Happens After You Dispute The Findings?

Often, when you dispute the findings, it will lead to further investigation into the crash. Sometimes this additional investigation could result in the findings being revised.

Voicing your disapproval will lead to your disagreement being recorded on the file, which could be very important later in the claims process.

Depending on the auto insurance company, there could be internal policies that apply to disputed fault, so you might be asked to tell your side of the story regarding the crash to the insurance adjuster or give a statement.

You should be aware of your rights in this situation. Don’t make any statements without consulting with a personal injury attorney first. You don’t want your statements used against you in a lawsuit.

The Scene Of The Car Accident

Proving liability gets underway at the scene of the crash involving the ride-sharing service. If you are suffering minor injuries and are physically able to do so, you should get the names of any witnesses along with their contact details.

Use your smartphone to photograph the accident scene and the damages. Get photos from different angles, as well as debris from the crash, skid marks, and any other pertinent details.

Consult With A Personal Injury Attorney

If you have been involved in an accident, you should consult with a personal injury attorney who handles auto accident injury cases. Personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis, so you have nothing to lose.

Your lawyer will not be paid until you are compensated for your losses through a judgment or settlement. There is a strict statute of limitations, so if you wait too long you will not be able to pursue a claim.

Ask for your free case review today!

Additional Resources

*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Uber or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.