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Hit by a Distracted Driver Who Had Pets in the Car

Many people are pet owners, and their pets become family members. Often, pets ride with owners wherever they are traveling. But, pets who are anxious or who do not ride in vehicles often can become disruptive in the car.

If you were hit by a driver with pets in the car, you could suffer serious injuries and major damages. If pets become a distraction to the driver, then there is a real risk for accident and a threat for injury for all who are involved.

You can pursue a personal injury claim against the other party after such an accident. You will need to maintain accurate and detailed documentation to support your accident injury claim.

How to Pursue a Claim After Being Hit by a Distracted Driver with Pets in the Car

If you have been hit by a distracted driver with pets in the car, you need to stay on the accident scene and call the police. Law enforcement will conduct a preliminary investigation and complete an accident report.

You should take photos of the accident scene and the damages if possible. Your smartphone can be used for photographing the scene. Exchange insurance details with the other driver.

Get the contact details for any eyewitnesses because you might need their statements later. Regardless of the severity of your injuries, seek medical attention right away.

Some injuries are worse than they initially appear. Maintain documentation to support your personal injury claim.

Damages That Might Result From Being Hit by a Distracted Driver with Pets in the Car

Auto accidents can lead to serious injuries and major damages to your vehicle. You can only file one personal injury claim, so make sure you request compensation for all your damages at once.

Medical records, medical bills, written repair estimates, photos of the damages, and proof of missed work will be needed to support your claim.

Hit by a Distracted Driver Who Had Pets in the Car

Here are some common damages suffered in such accidents:

  • Lost wages – past and future
  • Medical bills – past and future
  • Property damages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Loss of consortium
  • Mental anguish
  • Disabilities
  • Scarring and disfigurement

With the right documentation, you can build a strong claim that shows your damages and proves negligence on behalf of the other party.

If you can prove the other party acted negligently, you can have a successful claim.

Consult with a Personal Injury Attorney

If you have been hit by a distracted driver with pets in the car, you should consult with a personal injury attorney who handles auto accident cases. With the help of a lawyer, you can recover compensation for your losses.

An attorney can build a case showing all four elements of negligence – duty, breach of duty, causation, and damages. All drivers have a duty to others to drive safely.

That duty was breached when he or she became distracted by their pets while behind the wheel. That breach of duty caused them to hit you and then that crash that they caused resulted in your damages.

Get your free case evaluation today!

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