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Accidents Caused by a Driver Using a GPS

Distracted driving has taken over in the last decade as the most common cause of highway accidents. There are many reasons why a driver could become distracted while driving, from eating a burger to being driven crazy by a bee inside a car, but most people rarely think about the ubiquitous GPS. Drivers who constantly adjust their GPS are more likely to have accidents, and you could end up in hospital if one of these drivers hits you.

Victims of distracted driving accidents could find that they are financially and mentally punished for an accident that was not their fault. If this is what has happened to you, talk to a personal injury attorney to see whether you are in a good position to claim compensation.

What is the Chance of an Accident Caused by a Driver Distracted by a GPS?

There are several different types of GPS, and drivers may locate them in different parts of their vehicle. If they are the screen and map variety, the driver needs to put them where they can see them, but not right where it reduces visibility.

Most drivers only use the GPS when they are unsure about their whereabouts, or want to know the best way to get from A to B, but this means adjusting the device manually. If the driver does this while driving, it could mean that his or her hands are not actually on the wheel and their concentration is taken away from the road.

I Was Hit by a Driver Using a GPS

This is potentially as dangerous as texting while driving, which is banned in most states. Although it is hard to determine the relative risks, it is probable that using a GPS is as dangerous as texting or talking on a cell phone without a hands free device.

Possible Car Accident Injuries

Car accident injuries depend on how the accident happens and the many different factors that influence a potential collision. Such factors include:

  • The relative weight and size of each vehicle
  • The speed of the vehicles at the time of collision
  • Whether there was time to take evasive action
  • Whether seat belts and other safety gear were used
  • The direction at which the vehicles collided; e.g. whether it was a side-on (t-bone), head-on, rear end or side swipe accident
  • How far away emergency services were and how fast the injured could receive treatment

What You Can Do to Recover Damages

If you have been badly injured and believe that it was due to a distracted driver, you should certainly consider filing a personal injury claim against the driver at fault. The success of such claims does depend on the amount of proof that you have available, so the more evidence that can support your claim you can get your hands on, the better it will be for your case.

You will also have to provide evidence that the injuries you are claiming for were caused at the time of the accident, and you will need proof of the financial costs to you, both to date and any future costs. That includes lost earnings and the pain and suffering involved.

Why You Should Use an Attorney to Help You With a Personal Injury Claim

You will find that whatever the circumstances of the accident, a consultation with an experienced personal injury attorney will enable you to make an informed decision about the chances of success if you go ahead with a claim for compensation. The attorney may also be of real help in negotiating a settlement with the distracted driver’s insurance provider or taking the case to court if the insurer is proving to be obstructive.

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