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What Can I Do If Someone Hit the Back of My Car and Drove off?

If someone hit the back of your car and drove off, you have been the victim of a hit and run accident. Hit and run accidents are common. In a hit and run, the vehicle that causes the accident or hits the other vehicle leaves the scene of the crash.

It is illegal to leave the scene of an accident, so if the driver is identified and caught, he or she can face criminal charges for leaving the scene of the accident. A hit and run driver will be held liable for the damages that he or she caused.

What to Do After Someone Hit the Back of My Car and Drove off

If you were in your vehicle when it was hit in the back, first check to see if you or any passengers are injured. If there are serious injuries, call an ambulance. Otherwise, just call the police. The accident must be investigated. Try to remember as many details as you can about the vehicle.

Of course, if you could get a tag number, it could improve the odds of successfully catching the hit and run driver. Remember details, such as the color, make, and model of the vehicle as well as the direction of travel. Take photos of the vehicle damage and the accident scene.

Provide the police officer with as many as details as you can. Check to determine if there were any witnesses to the accident. Eyewitnesses can have a significant impact on your personal injury claim.

Determining the Damages After Someone Hit the Back Of Your Car and Drove off

If someone hit the back of your car and drove off, you have suffered damages. You will suffer property damages. Those damages will include property damages, so you will need to get a written estimate for repairing your vehicle from a qualified auto body repair shop. Include any tow bills or rental vehicles in the cost of your property damages.

Other damages might include medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, loss of consortium, and loss of enjoyment of life. Future medical expenses and future loss of earnings must also be considered. A personal injury attorney will determine which damages you suffered because of the hit and run accident.

Hit and run accidents can lead to various damages and serious injuries. Being hit from the back could lead to back and neck injuries, such as whiplash.

What Can I Do If Someone Hit the Back of My Car and Drove off?

Consult With a Personal Injury Lawyer If Someone Hit the Back Of Your Car and Drove off

If someone hit the back of your car and drove off, you should consult with a personal injury lawyer. A lawyer will review your accident and determine which damages you suffered. Your accident injury attorney will gather evidence and documentation to support your personal injury claim. Complete the Free Case Evaluation Form on this page to have your details shared with a personal injury attorney in your area.

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