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How Long Will it Take to Settle My Personal Injury Claim Against UPS?*

Today its employees have to compete with many other carriers so that means putting the foot on the pedal to get packages delivered on time. Speeding in order to get consignments delivered is both reckless and dangerous and can result in serious accidents accompanied by some nasty injuries.

If you have been injured in an accident with a delivery truck and it wasn’t your fault you may be entitled to personal injury compensation from the other party. You are strongly advised to contact an experienced personal injury attorney if you are considering filing a claim for compensation against a major corporation.

How Soon Should You Settle?

If you have been seriously injured it will take you a while to recover enough to think about filing a PI claim. As soon as you are able to do so you should start to compile the evidence that proves the driver caused your accident. In most states, the statutes of limitations give you 2 to 3 years to file a PI claim. This gives you the chance to present a case that represents the full financial hardship caused by the accident. If you rush into it you may find you haven’t taken into consideration how long your recovery is going to take.

Why You Should Take Your Time to Settle

Before filing a PI claim there are a number of facts that have to be collected which are as follows:

  • proof that the driver caused the accident
  • a police report from the officer attending the accident
  • any photos or CCTV footage taken at the accident scene if available
  • an accurate estimation of the cost of medical treatment into the future
  • an assessment of lost wages for the time spent off work
  • an amount calculated for pain and suffering

All of this takes time to compile as it’s important to file a PI claim that covers all the financial burden of the accident. Once the claim has been submitted no adjustments can be made.

How an Attorney Can Help You

It all may seem quite straightforward but the insurer will take whatever steps it can to ensure the PI claim isn’t paid. However, an experienced PI attorney will mount a case so this doesn’t happen and will go through the claim including all the evidence proving the driver was negligent so that the claim can’t be disputed.

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The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against UPS, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.