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I Hurt My Back While Working at Dominos*

If you are employed at Dominos and you have had the misfortune to hurt your back because you have slipped over on a greasy patch on the floor, you may qualify for workers’ compensation to cover you for the financial hardship caused by the hurt back.

You are not the only one to hurt your back as, according to the U.S. Department of Labor, there are more than 600,000 employees who hurt their backs each year.

Causes of Workplace Back Injuries

There are many jobs at Dominos that could cause a hurt back.

They range from clearing tables in the restaurant, unloading ingredients from delivery trucks, working in the kitchen and while doing house to house deliveries.

Most hurt backs are caused by inflicting some sort of damage to the spine when twisting or overextending it while lifting, pushing or pulling.

If you work at a computer behind the scenes poor posture can cause a hurt back too.

Once the injury has taken place it is necessary to seek treatment and take time off work until you have recovered.

Common injuries that cause a hurt back are:

  • spinal cord damage;
  • pinched nerves;
  • lower back strain;
  • herniated, slipped or bulging discs;
  • fractured vertebrae.


What to Do If You Hurt Your Back Working at Dominos

As soon as you realize you are unable to go to work because you have hurt your back you must inform your supervisor, in writing, as quickly as possible.

As soon as you have completed this task you must seek treatment for your hurt back.

If you are unable to walk you may need to call an ambulance to get you to the nearest emergency room.

You should not delay getting medical treatment as this could make your condition worse.

Your employer may require that you seek treatment from a doctor on their list if you wish to claim workers’ compensation.

Whatever you end up doing it is essential you keep all receipts for treatment so that you can submit them with your WC claim.

Your employer may provide you with a claim form to complete and to help ensure your claim is not denied you should provide evidence to prove you hurt your back at work.

The best evidence is:

  • a copy of your accident report to your supervisor;
  • photos of the accident scene, if it was an accident that caused your hurt back;
  • testimonials from co-workers saying you hurt your back at work;
  • X-rays and scans showing the back injury;
  • your doctor’s medical report including diagnosis, treatment and likely recovery time;

Consult With a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

If you have suffered a hurt back while working at Dominos, you should consult with a workers’ compensation attorney.

It is difficult to win a successful WC claim on your own as Dominos insurer will try to deny your claim if they can.

Disclaimer*: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Dominos, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.

Additional Resources