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What If I Was Sideswiped Out of State?

If you were operating a vehicle and involved in an auto accident where you were sideswiped, your auto insurance has you covered. You will need to get an accident report filed with local law enforcement and keep all documentation to support your claim.

If you were sideswiped, your vehicle has suffered damages and odds are that you have been injured. You need to take photos of the damage to your vehicle. Keep copies of written estimates for auto repairs, medical records, medical bills, and tow bills.

How Your Car Insurance Works Out of State

Car insurance travels with you to any other state in the country. If you have questions about your coverage, check with your insurance agent. State laws regarding accidents and insurance do vary greatly, and the laws of the state where the crash occurred are the ones that come into play.

Some states are no-fault states, which means that each driver's insurance covers the majority of his or her damages regardless of who is at fault. In other states, the at-fault driver is liable for the damages that resulted.

If your auto insurance doesn't cover all your damages, you might be able to file a personal injury claim.

Different State Laws Come Into Play

Different states have different insurance requirements. If your state requires $10,000 personal injury liability coverage and you have only the minimum coverage but travel to a state that requires $25,000 of minimum coverage.

Your policy will adjust and your coverage will increase to meet the state requirements at no additional cost. Depending on the state, your insurance might have to take care of your damages first.

However, it is handled on a case by case basis depending on the location, the severity of the crash, and the situation.

What If I Was Sideswiped Out of State?

Gathering Evidence

If you have been in a crash, you should get a written estimate for the cost of repairing your vehicle. Keep receipts for damages that you have fixed as well as any tow bills and any receipts for rental cars.

Those documents will help you negotiate your property damage with the insurance company. Your medical bills, prescription records, physician notes, and documentation of time missed from work will also be needed to help with the negotiations as well.

Help is Available After Being Sideswiped Out of State

If you have been involved in an accident where you were sideswiped out of state, you should consult with an experienced personal injury attorney who has experience helping auto accident injury victims.

Your attorney will investigate the crash, check your insurance policy, and then consider your claim based on all the state laws. An attorney will tell you if you can proceed with a personal injury claim for your case.

Each state has a different statute of limitations regarding the time limit for filing a claim, so you should schedule a free case evaluation with a personal injury lawyer right away. Your attorney will not be paid until you get a judgment or settlement.

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