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How to File a Personal Injury Claim After an Accident at Whole Foods*

Like any store, Whole Foods is capable of making mistakes, some of which can cause unlucky customers painful injuries. If you were involved in an accident at at a grocery store, then you may be eligible for compensation for your injuries by filing a personal injury claim.

How Do I Know if My Accident Qualifies for Compensation?

It is not possible to know for sure if you will qualify for compensation before you file a claim. A large part of the claims process will involve communicating with their insurance to determine this. However, you can get a general idea of your eligibility before you apply by understanding “negligence”.

Successful personal injury claims show that a company is is responsible for covering injury costs because their “negligence” caused the accident. Certain injuries where the store may be at fault include:

  • slip and falls (ex: an employee failed to clean a spill or mark a dangerous wet area, leading to a customer’s painful slip and fall injury)
  • trips (ex: a customer trips on a bag of grain that an employee failed to keep in a safe location while restocking the store’s grain tubs)
  • food borne illness (ex: a customer gets food poisoning after eating a make-it-yourself salad with grilled chicken that wasn’t fresh or cooked thoroughly

If you believe your injury resulted from their negligence, then it is likely you will qualify for compensation.

How Do I Start My Claim?

Personal injury claims begin by sending a demand letter to their insurance. In this letter, you must explain everything you know about the accident, and provide evidence to support both your claim and request for compensation.

Start by describing everything you know about the accident. Explain what happened, how you were hurt, and why you believe the incident was the store's fault. Include statements from witnesses here as well, if you can get them.

Next, provide evidence to support your claim. Include pictures of the site where you were injured, photos of your injuries, and your diagnosis from the doctor explaining how severe you injuries were.

Finally, provide all bills and receipts for which you are asking compensation. Hospital bills, test bills, prescription receipts, check-up costs, and reports of any lost wages should all be included here. Once you’re ready, you are ready to mail your demand letter to the store's insurance and begin the PI claims process.

What Happens After I Mail My Demand Letter?

After you mail your demand letter, they will look into your accident themselves to understand what happened. They will review your statement, and may ask for more information from you in an out-of-court questioning session called a “deposition.”

They may either reward your request, try to negotiate on compensation terms, or they may deny your claim altogether. While this process can be done on your own, it may be wise in any case to speak with a personal injury attorney to be certain that you are receiving the best compensation you can for your accident.

Benefits of a Personal Injury Attorney

Unknown to most, personal injury attorneys work on contingency, which means they can only take payment if they win your case. Not only does this mean that financial concerns won’t be a worry when first hiring an attorney, but it also means you can be certain they will fight their hardest to build you a strong, winning case with the highest compensation possible.

To make sure you have the best shot at the compensation you deserve, speak with a personal injury attorney in your area.

*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Whole Foods, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.