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Finding a Car Accident Attorney If You Were Hit on a Bicycle

Cyclists who have to share the road with cars have a higher risk of getting hit by a car. If you were in a car accident where you were hit by a car when you were riding a bike you should call an attorney that specializes in auto accidents right away.

The laws that assign liability and damages in auto accidents can be confusing and an attorney who has experience in dealing with car crash cases and auto accidents can be an advocate and an ally to help you get all of the damages that you are entitled to get if a motorist hits you when you are riding a bike.

Damages That May Result When Hit On a Bicycle

If someone driving a car hits you when you are on a bike there are several different types of damages that you could receive. You can receive money to cover all of your medical bills that are related to the accident including ongoing treatment or physical therapy if you need it.

You can get money to replace your bike if it is destroyed. If you own a racing bike or high end bike that costs several thousand dollars getting this money to replace your bike is essential. If you are hurt badly and cannot work you can also receive money to pay for your lost wages during the time when you can’t work.

How a Car Accident Attorney Can Help

Dealing with insurance companies is never fun. In a case where you are hit by car when you were riding a bike you may need to convince the insurance company that you were riding carefully and obeying the laws that cyclists need to follow. A car crash attorney can talk to the insurance company for you and convince the insurance company that the accident wasn’t your fault.

It might seem like if a car hits you then the accident is clearly the motorist’s fault. But that’s not always the case. You may need to prove that you were in no way liable for the accident and that you were riding in the designated bike lane and obeying all the laws that pertain to cyclists and that the motorist was at fault for hitting you.

You also may need to prove that the motorist was not driving on their designated portion of the road when they hit you. Having an experienced car crash attorney on your side can make proving your case much easier.

Finding a Car Accident Attorney If You Were Hit on a Bicycle

Why You Should Work With a Car Accident Lawyer

Attorneys that specialize in car crash cases have handled hundreds of accident cases and have seen all kinds of accidents. They know how to work with cyclists who were hit by a car and the best way to make sure that those cyclists get all of the damages that they are entitled to get after someone driving a car hits them.

Auto accident attorneys don’t get paid until your claim for damages is successful so you will never have to pay out of pocket or up front to get help from a qualified car crash attorney. Fill out the Free Case Evaluation today to find a car accident lawyer in your area!

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