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Michigan Car Accident Lawyer

If you were in a car accident in Michigan, you may be able to recover damages for any injuries or car damage. A car accident lawyer that takes cases in Michigan may be able to help. Oftentimes, people don’t know the extent of their injuries or the damage to their car until several days or more after an accident. A Michigan auto accident lawyer can help make sure that you get any damages you are entitled to for medical bills and other expenses.

What Kinds of Car Accidents Do Lawyers in Michigan Take?

Michigan car accident lawyers work with people who have been involved in all kinds of accidents. A few of the most common types of car accidents that happen in Michigan are:

  • Weather-related accidents, especially in the winter
  • Getting rear ended by another driver
  • Someone didn’t stop at a stop light or stop sign
  • Someone didn’t make a successful left turn at an intersection
  • Merging accidents
  • Collisions with semi-trucks
  • Roll-over accidents
  • Head on crashes
  • Hit and run accidents
  • Rideshare accidents

When it comes to car accidents, Michigan is one of just 12 “no fault” states in the country. This means that it does not matter who was legally responsible for the accident because anyone can receive reimbursement for an accident. In other words, in Michigan, you can be reimbursed for damages like medical bills or damage to your car no matter who is considered legally responsible for the accident.

Why Should I Work with a Car Accident Attorney?

After you have been in an accident in Michigan, you should talk with a car accident attorney and get some help with your claim for damages. The laws surrounding the specific damages you are entitled to can be complicated, and an experienced Michigan auto attorney can help you to prepare your claim. Some of the other reasons why you should work with a car accident lawyer in Michigan are:

  • You Pay Nothing Up Front. When you work with a Michigan car accident lawyer you don’t have to pay up front for any consultations or advice that you get. The cost of the attorney’s fees is built into the claim so that the lawyer will be paid after the damages are recovered. You don’t have to pay anything up front to talk with an experienced Michigan attorney about your car accident.
  • Gathering Evidence. Knowing what evidence to submit with your claim can be tough. An attorney in Michigan who has worked on auto accident cases before can help you figure out what medical bills, auto repair estimates, and other evidence you should submit with your claim.
  • Negotiations. The average person doesn’t have much experience negotiating with insurance companies and many not get all the damages they’re entitled to as a result. But a Michigan auto accident lawyer that has negotiated with insurance companies before can get you the best result when it comes to negotiating for all you are entitled to.

What to do After a Michigan Car Accident

If you are involved in a Michigan car accident, make sure that you take these actions right away:

  • Call the police and get a police report. Make sure you get a copy of the report.
  • Get medical attention immediately. Even if you think you don’t need it.
  • Gather evidence like photos of the scene or videos. If there are witnesses get their statements or contact information.
  • Talk to an attorney. Don’t wait.

Get in Touch with a Car Accident Lawyer That Helps Those In Michigan

Get a Free Case Evaluation Today: The law limits the time you have to make a claim for damages after an auto accident in Michigan. Complete the Free Case Evaluation to get connected with an independent, participating attorney who subscribes to the website and takes cases in Michigan.

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