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Paralysis Caused By A Merging Accident

Merging accidents can result in severe damages and serious injuries. When cars merge, they need to carefully judge the distance between vehicles as well as the speed, so they can maneuver into the traffic without hitting other vehicles. If a driver speeds up to keep cars from merging, or if a car merges too quickly and doesn’t pay attention to the other vehicles, a crash can result. If you have been in a merging accident that caused paralysis, your life is forever changed. Consult with a personal injury lawyer about pursuing a personal injury claim against the driver who caused the crash.

The Cost Of Treating Paralysis

Paralysis will lead to disabilities that will lead to loss of wages. The ongoing cost of medical care can add up fast, and you will need medical treatment the rest of your life. The extent of the paralysis, the severity of the injury, and your age will all play a role in the cost of your paralysis. The Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation reports that will have an average cost the first year ranging from $347,484 for incomplete motor function to $1,064,716 for high tetraplegia. Following years of treatment range from $42,206 to $184,891 respectively.

The lifetime costs of caring for an individual who has high tetraplegia that they suffered at age 25 is $4,724,181 and a 25-year-old who suffers any level of incomplete motor function will pay out $1.578,274 during their lifetime for care. Those figures don’t include the loss of income that the accident victim will experience and other associated costs. Your attorney will review the details of your case and will calculate all your losses.

Were You Hit While Merging?

Pursuing A Personal Injury Claim For Paralysis After A Merging Accident

If you suffered paralysis after a merging accident, you will have various damages, including damages in the years ahead. You will want to calculate both past losses and future losses when filing a claim against the at-fault party. Your lawyer will help you itemize your losses. Here are common damages claimed in such situations:

  • Past and future lost wages
  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Property damages
  • Mental anguish
  • Permanent scarring and disfigurement
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Loss of consortium

Consult With A Personal Injury Attorney

If you have suffered paralysis because of a merging accident, you should consult with an auto accident injury lawyer in your area. State laws establish the deadline for pursuing such claims, so you need to file your personal injury claim against the other driver before your time runs out. If you wait too long, you will not recover compensation for your losses. You need a judgment or settlement to help you cover your medical care and living expenses. Personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis, so your lawyer will not be paid until you win your case. There is no need to delay. Get your free case evaluation with an accident injury lawyer who is licensed in your state today!

Additional Resources

Merging Overview

Determining Fault While Merging