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Who is Responsible for Medical Expenses After a Hit at an Intersection Car Accident?

It is a far too common sight on American roads. We’re talking about car accidents that happen at intersections. Although the culprit is often a vehicle running through a red light, the real tragedy of a hit at an intersection accident is the high cost of the medical bills generated by diagnosing, treating, and rehabilitating one or more injuries.

If you have been injured in an auto accident, you initially must pay for medical expenses after the car accident. However, you eventually might be able to recover some or all of the costs associated with your medical bills.

Insurance Company or Personal Injury Claim

Car accident medical bills can run high enough to put you in financial distress. This is especially true for the often violent impact of a hit at an intersection crash.

Whether you got hit head-on or received a side impact, chances are good that both cars traveled at a considerable rate of speed. The impact of high-speed car accidents includes brain injuries, spinal cord damage, and internal organ injuries that lead to serious bleeding.

The serious injuries caused by a hit at an intersection car accident can rise above $10,000, with the potential to exceed $100,000 for treating head and spinal cord injuries. If you suffer from serious, long-lasting injuries, you should get help from your insurance company to defray the cost of high medical bills. You also might get compensation from a personal injury lawsuit.

The Influence of No Fault Auto Insurance

The type of auto insurance policy that you buy to pay off personal injury expenses depends on the state where you live. For example, residents of states like Kansas and Florida require car owners to purchase no fault auto insurance, which requires your car insurance company to pay some or all of your medical bills.

The some or all part depends on how much you owe in healthcare costs. No fault insurance comes with a limit that if exceeded, requires you to cover the rest of your medical expenses. For a serious hit an intersection car accident, you could receive injuries that put you in the red tens of thousands of dollars.

Who is Responsible for Medical Expenses After a Hit at an Intersection Car Accident?

How the Remaining States Handle Auto Insurance

Residents of states that do not have a no fault insurance provision written into law must take care of all the medical costs associated with a hit at an intersection car accident.

One way to defray or eliminate the costs of medical bills is by including a Med Pay provision in your vehicle insurance policy. Med Pay covers several common medical expenses.

  • Doctor visits
  • Rehabilitation equipment
  • X-rays
  • Surgery
  • Emergency medical care
  • Professional nursing care

Med Pay insurance comes with a limit as well. The policy is ideal for car owners that need to pay a health insurance deductible. For example, a Med Pay policyholder that has a limit of $3,000 and a health care deductible of $2,000 has $1,000 left over in Med Pay money to cover medical expenses.

Request a free case evaluation today with a personal injury lawyer to determine how to reduce your costly medical bills. A personal injury lawyer can also advise you on whether you should file a personal injury claim against a driver that hit you at an intersection. Filing a personal injury claim is the best way to receive compensation after a car accident.

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