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Sample Demand Letter — ATV Accident

If you were recently injured in an ATV accident and are looking to receive compensation, look no further. You could qualify for repayment by filing a personal injury claim today.

Personal injury claims are filed whenever someone suffers harm due to someone else’s negligence. All personal injury claims begin by sending a demand letter to they negligent party’s insurance explaining why you deserve compensation. It is highly recommended that you speak with an attorney before sending your demand letter, but you can always begin on your own.

Demand letters are official documents that state your information, the details of your accident, the injuries you’ve sustained, and the reasons you are seeking compensation. Demand letters are also sent with any additional documentation supporting your claim, such as medical bills, receipts, or statements.

Sample Demand Letter for an ATV Accident

A well-crafted demand letter is organized, written, and presented in a very particular fashion. To write a professional demand letter that includes all necessary information, follow the template below.

ATV Accident Demand Letter Personal Injury


[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Your City, State, and Zip Code]

[The Date]

[Name of the Claims Adjuster]

[Their Job Title]

[Address of the Insurance Company]

[City, State, and Zip Code of the Insurance Company]

Re: Your Insured, [Name of the Defendant]

Claimant: [Your Full Legal Name]

Claim Number: (Only include this number if a claim number has already been assigned to you, and you have already been contacted about the matter.)

Date of Loss: [Date of Incident in which the ATV Accident Took Place]

Dear Mr./Mrs. [Name of Claims Adjuster],

In reference to our prior discussion on February 19, 2015, please accept this letter as my formal demand for compensation regarding the injuries sustained due to your insured, Mr. Gary Jones.

I am only just at the end of my weeks of recovery following the accident caused by Mr. Jones. As you recall, Mr. Jones was riding his off-highway ATV on the street when he struck me as I was walking to the mailbox. Mr. Jones’ ignorance of his surroundings and blatant disregard for Nevada’s off-highway vehicle laws makes him negligent and, thus, responsible for all injuries, bills, and suffering resulting from the accident.

At 11:30 AM on January 5, 2015, I was walking east down Bunnell Street to Caraway Street to get my mail. I heard the sound of an ATV approaching from behind when I heard it grow uncomfortably loud. Before I could finish turning around to see, Mr. Jones, who had popped onto the sidewalk, struck the back of my legs and sent me toppling forward onto the sidewalk. The impact caused me severe pain in my thighs, calves, buttocks, and shoulder (which struck the ground).

Unable to get up, I called 9-1-1 and was driven to Henderson Medical Center, where I was seen by Dr. Joan White. After receiving an X-ray of my shoulder, Dr. Swinton diagnosed me with a fractured clavicle, a minor concussion, and severe bruising on my legs and tailbone. I was given a sling for my arm, prescribed [name the medication] for the pain, and was told to take three weeks off of work to rest and recover.

Here are attached my medical bills, which further outline the cost of my treatment:

  • Ambulance: $260.000
  • Henderson Medical Center: $397.000
  • Dr. Joan White: $355.000
  • Sling: $35.000
  • Prescription Pain Medication: $112.000

TOTAL: $1,159.000

Due to Mr. Jones’ reckless and illegal actions, I suffered great pain in my weeks of recovery and lost $3,500 of salary pay. It is for these injuries, lost wages, and negative impacts to my healthy life that I am demanding compensation in the amount of $13,000.

I hope to receive a timely response in no later than 30 days from the date of this correspondence.

[Your Signature]

[Your Name – printed]


Note: when demanding compensation, never ask for the exact amount totaled by your medical bills and lost wages. Always ask for more to insure that your return will be fair if the claim goes into negotiation later on.

Seeking Advice from an Attorney

Consulting with an attorney is vital when looking to file a personal injury claim. Their legal knowledge, ability to negotiate, and passion for your case are the best chance you have at getting the compensation you deserve.

If you are interested in filing a personal injury claim, speak with an attorney today.