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What are some common mistakes in auto accident claims?

After being in a car accident, you may not always be thinking straight and as a result, this mindset could lead to some major mistakes. You need to be sure that you properly handle everything when you are filing your auto accident claim.

Not following everything required per law and per your insurance policy can have some serious consequences when it comes to being compensated for your injuries.

We have asked attorney Alaina Sullivan about ways a claim can go wrong. Here are some scenarios she discussed:

Don't Wait To File

The first key to submitting your auto accident claim is to not wait too long. Sure, you do not need to do it the day after tomorrow, but keep in mind that:

  • most insurance policies have specific time limits set for filing a claim; and
  • all states have a set statute of limitations for legally filing a claim as well and pursuing damages for your injuries.

    Waiting too long can completely bar you from receiving the money you deserve.

    A Lawyer explains Common Mistakes When Filing an Auto Accident Claim

    Failing to Submit All Evidence

    When it comes to sending information to your insurance agent, the more you send, the better. He or she will need all this information up front. Information the agent will need includes the name and contact information of the other driver, witnesses, pictures of the accident you may have taken, and any claims you have submitted, whether medical or body damage to your car.

    Make sure you keep copies of everything you submit in the event that you need to submit it again.

    Never Take the Blame

    Think before you speak. Never take the blame, even if you are fairly certain that the blame should rest with you. Give the facts, and if you are asked to put together a formal report, make sure that it is carefully worded so as you do not give any blame or make an admission.

    If you do happen to make statements that could be deemed to be accepting blame, the insurance company or the other side’s attorney could use this to either bar your claim or reduce the amount you are asking.

    Accepting the First Offer

    The insurance company is going to be coming at you with an offer, and while the first offer could possibly be great and completely what you are wanting, odds are they will try low-balling you the first time. Before you take any offer at all, always speak to an attorney.

    Have that person review the offer and your case so that you can make sure what they are offering you is what you deserve. Do not simply take the first offer because it seems like a lot of money.

    Damages from a personal injury claim can oftentimes be difficult to estimate, and what seems like a lot may not even begin to cover what your injuries ultimately play out to be.

    Contact an Attorney Today

    If you have been involved in a car accident, it is imperative you contact an attorney to make sure you do not make any of the mistakes above. A licensed personal injury attorney will be able to review your case and determine if you have a claim against the other party’s insurance company.

    To receive the compensation for your medical bills, property damages, and pain and suffering, you should speak with a personal injury attorney in your area today.